Monday, September 27, 2004

Wife Swap-this Weds

Posted on 09/27/2004 at 11:00 AM

Seldom do I get excited about a new reality show....since most of them are crap. Often, after I watch one... I feel dirty and cheap. Wife Swap had a sneak peak Tonight on ABC. On the show, they will switch 2 wives and their lives for 2 weeks. Oprah had on a preview of the show and at least the first installment looks amazing. Oprahs show featured a set of moms trading their lives.This the Premire on this episode One wife is a NY Socialite Millionaires and the other a School Bus driving Mom from rural NJ. The NY Mom...should we call her that? She seems like a women with offspring and has outsourced every detail of their lives. If she could have gotten around it ....she would have not gone to the trouble of giving birth. Shes got 3 nannies a full time maid and driver. She is so busy doing nothing that it is exhausting to watch her. The other Mom gets up at dawn and works chopping wood for 3 hours every morning. Then does all the work around the house and drives a school bus twice a day. I only got to see snippets of the show but Oprah had on the two families and it was great.

Fast forward...its a day later I didnt get to finish this blog.(see I FEEL NAKED Post) I watched the sneak peak tonight. They took an anal retentive, ocd nut job and switched her with a sloppy 12 pets and shit all over the house....wife. I loved it. It was like the World Wrestling federation for me. No one knows what your life is like till they walk in your shoes. They featured VERY polar opposite women and families. Perhaps the lesson learned is that...when your so extremely polarized to one side the only way to find you way to the middle is to go all the way to the other extreme and then you can more clearly find your way to the middle road. The children and husbands reactions to the new wives are so much fun to watch . Maybe they just found a Reality show that caters to my niche

I find this show interesting...because usually moms are judged often by externals...the home, the kids and how they turn out, if your floors shine.....all that crap. This show explores how the home we make and the relationships we build are really what being a wife and Mom are all about.

My husband made an interesting comment..He asked whats the prize?? Money??? What do they get??? There is no prize (or actors to pay.. ABC makes lots of money. huh) So why do they do it?? My husband needs to know. I think the show for these women is an Acknowlegement of some kind. You dont get a pay check as a Full time mom, or an employee of the month parking spot...there are no promotions. Maybe thats it. Or perhaps its just that "15 minutes of fame".... Hey any wives out there wannna switch lives with a standup comic and her nutty bunch???? Oh and I forgot the other question my husband asked...Does the husband get to do her????? "no"

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