Saturday, November 19, 2005

I have so so much to learn

I just want to say that I am so sick of my set I could barf. I do a set that is basically a decent set. In a good room it kills...but what wouldn't. In an average room and if I go on before the check spot I hold my own...I do a good set. In a small room late at night after 25 comics I don't bomb but it's hit and miss.

I did a show the other night at Sal's very late into the night. All that was left in the audience were stragglers and people too drunk to leave. I followed the brilliant Rodney Laney....Montreal, Comedy Central, all the good stuff. I did my best material and I just did ok.

Tonight I did a show at a church... I thought is was going to be at a firehouse for the past few weeks and found out differently yesterday. I knew this meant PG so I went threw my sets and picked out a few thing dropped out a few others. When I got to the church I was told no "F "word.... I assumed that included no "C" words either. I use the word cunt and cock sucker in a few of my bits. I take to the stage and I knew I had to replace a "Fuck you" with a "Bite Me". I get to the stage and I cant remember what the word I'm gonna use instead of Fuck . I start with my set and out of no where I jump 3 jokes ahead. Now I back track.. I do the "Bite me" joke hits. I totally leave out my Trophy wife bit, by mistake. Now I'm moving on and thinking ..."Can I go back to it?" I am thinking ahead and performing and for a short second loose my place. This has not happened to me on stage in a long long time. I trudge along and now "I got them" there laughing at all of it. I decide its a really easy room. I am planning on doing 10 minutes I want to do longer... I could have gone on because I see its going really well. I think what to do what to do.... I cant remember what other clean stuff I have. All the time I'm worried about cursing... I curse an often don't know it. I have my censor on full blast in my head. I say the word "Bitch" on purpose then I pause and say "I'm going to Hell but you guys already know that.... I'm Jewish" Off the top of my head they love it. I figure okay riff Robin riff. I go on to say something about my brother who is married to an Italian girl.... I say yeah he's not Jewish anymore he's Italian.... I know this cause he calls it gravy not sauce anymore. THUD THUD THUD. Now that is a joke I never did on stage but in real life i.e.. supermarket lines, with friends at Dunkin Donuts it kills. I feel thrown, from the car. I finish up and end on a big note.

The woman who ran the room tells me I killed...Thanks ( you don't know good) The other comics all complement me. The ladies in the bathroom ask for my email. The woman who paid me says she loved me.

I don't know if I had PMS or I am just in my 3rd year phase of feeling...I WANT TO BE A REAL COMIC GOD DAM IT . I wasn't happy, I forgot 3-4 different tags. I left out 2 jokes. I talked to fast. I hate my material.

I think the real problem was I was doing well enough but I wasn't in my zone. I developed a nasty habit of doing the same set over and over because I feel every show (especially ones with over 150 people) I have to do my A set. By the way my A set is really only a B-. I am getting more shows for paying audiences and out of fear I stay in my safety zone. So what has changed???? I think this is it.. I have been doing less and less open mic's. I used to do 4 a week and sometimes 3 in one night. You can work the kinks out of a joke and become comfortable with your material when you do it often in a room where your doing it mostly for yourself. I got Lazy that's it in a nut shell. The second I had to adjust my set to fit a format of a Church I wasn't as good as I could have been. I thought I was prepared but at the end of the day I should have done more. Its getting cold and the mic's in the Village have gotten spread out. I used to do 3 shows on a Tuesday... now I can only do 2. The real road block has been getting weekend work. I don't feel good about being out Friday night and Saturday night and then doing a booked show during the week and then going out another 2 nights. My husband who I call Mr Wonderful in my act is just that wonderful... but I cant be out 6 nights a week.

In the beginning I would do my sets into a tape recorder over and home. I would listen to the sets and see which way a joke sounded better. I have a friend who videos herself at home....doing her new material and watching them to see what works. I don't know. Maybe that's a way to go.

To those of you who are saying Robin you were probably great your being really hard on yourself I say YES!!! I have to be. If you think I did well here's the litnes test. The headliner was Rodney Laney the same comic I followed at Sal's the other night. He was awesome so funny and they loved him. I was in the back of the room after the show. Anyone who walked by shook his hand, hugged him stayed and chatted. Every now and then Id get a you were funny too. In the kitchen with smokers I got a few you were funny's. I don't expect to get the accolades of a headliner. I just think being able to truly assess what we have on stage is critical to getting better. I have so much more to learn.

I think its about levels. I was really good at my last level. Now I've gotten better at the same time I am performing with better comics and I am at the bottom looking up again. I feel like I'm starting all over again. I have been writing everyday for at least a half hour for a few weeks now. I cant wait to have something really great come out of the process. So far I have struck no gold. I sometimes feel that all I care about is this obsession to get funnier. I have to believe I will as long as I don't give up. My mantra is from Dr Phil (I'm Pathetic I know) Winners do what the losers wont. I hope its true.

Comments are below
Dr. Phil can do many things...but...
Posted on 11/19/2005 at 04:40 AM by Peter Greyy

Dr. Phil can't help you like material that you're sick of...

What's worse is...if you're sick of your material, it probably shows--maybe not consciously, but in a subconcious way...and that may be why your A-set isn't always getting A-level responses.

Phil would point out that you KNOW the things you need to just aren't doing them. You're writing--but you're not taking that material to as many open mics as you had before...and you're feeling like you have to do your A-set in most every setting...

You KNOW what you need to do. You need to take that stuff you've been writing--even if it isn't the absolute flat-out perfect guaranteed-to-kill material that you wish it was--and you need to put it out see what it does in front of an audience--an open mic audience, sure...but you need to get it off of the page and into your head.

You do that stuff in front of hear what THEY find funny about it, maybe it leads you into new directions...maybe it just allows you to drop the parts that just aren't funny--but you get back into the process of building new material...material that you're not sick of...material that, at some point, you're going to be excited to try in front of weekend replace some of the bits from your A-set that annoy you the most...

Allow yourself the excitement of WORKING on something--something that may or may not work right off the bat... Let the WORK be the goal--because if you want it to be perfect right out of the gate, you'll never allow yourself the chance to TRY something and SEE if it works... Chances are, if you need it to be perfect right from the start--you'll never do ANYTHING new.

Another you HAVE to run at your top speed at all times? No. Give your self the opportunity to catch your breath--to really take a look at what you're doing and how it's working out for you... It sounds like you need to recharge your batteries--and it might be that you're in need of a slightly new perspective, to rethink what you're doing...and what you want to do.

Just get out of your comfort zone (especially because it is making you uncomfortable)--and concentrate on the process of doing something that you DO want to do...and focus on the things that you CAN'T WAIT to get up on that stage and tell other people.

The things that interest you the most--are the things that you will share with the most passion...and that passion will translate on stage...and you will connect with others, perhaps in a way you haven't been connnecting lately...

If you hate your material...if you're tired of it...if it no longer interests you the way it once need to set that material aside... Revisit it with fresh eyes and ears, perhaps...or pull it out when you absolutely need to do material that is time tested and true...but CONCENTRATE on FRESH, NEW and PERSONALLY INVOLVING ideas that make you excited for your chance to take 'em around the block for a spin (so all the neighbors can see...)

Oh, and put down the god damned fork. I don't know why, but Dr. Phil always seems to say that, doesn't he?


Just what the Dr. Ordered.
Posted on 11/19/2005 at 08:16 AM by Robin Fox

Thanks Peter, I hear you. All the things your saying are just what I must do. I also need to be in the moment more. The real pitfall of last night was that I was consantly editing in my head and watching out to stay clean. I lost my focus and the only reason the set came off to the audience as a good set was that I am so well rehearsed that I was able to pull it off. I need a well rehersed clean set that I know just what Im doing down to the last line before hitting the stage. Then I can zig or zag but I will be able to be more in the moment.

As for burn out ... I am going on vacation this week for the first time in 2 years. Its with the kids so for this mom its not a total rest. I cant wait to get away.

I am MCing more and more lately and have developed on stage alot of one liners for that kind of job. That has been my writing focus before this past 3 weeks of writing everyday. I will one by one start to take the new material to the open mics and see how it looks coming out of my mouth instead of on paper. I thank you so much for all your imput. The work is in the doing.

Thanks for the stream of consciousness
Posted on 11/20/2005 at 04:53 PM by

It's nice to see a little female agony so well displayed. Keep up the good work.

Strong Stand Up is like Fine can't be rushed.
Posted on 12/02/2005 at 10:11 PM by Luchia

I honestly don't read blogs but Robin I find you so interesting a comic, that I just had to stop by and check yours out. I can so identify with everything you're saying and trust me you aren't the only one who is hard on yourself--I beat myself up nightly LOL! But then I take a breath and remember that what we're doing is literally one of the most difficult things in the world to do and there are many aspects of it that just can not be rushed. No matter how talented the comic, it takes TIME a lot of TIME to totally tap into that talent. All we can do is enjoy the ride on the way.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

A New York Bargin

Sal's Comdey Hole has opened his new club on 87 Macdougal underneath cafe del Marre. The Weds. open mic will kick off at 6PM cover! The new club is great you got to see it. Best of all Sal is a comic himself and brings that feel to the club.

Sal told me shortly he will be doing an open mic 7 days a week how cool will that be!

Comments are below
That is very cool......
Posted on 11/17/2005 at 03:18 AM by Adrienne

Saturday, November 12, 2005

There once was a host from Limerick

This week I will be hosting the Tuesday Night Morrison Motel at the Limerick House. It is a tremendous honor to me because the Motel was the first regular open mic I did when I ventured out of my Comfort Zone of the Stress Factory in NJ. I have a huge affection for this room that John Morrison has put together. It is one of the best of its kind. I have once a month Big shoes to fill. Matt O' Brian did a fantastic job and I still miss him. The other 3 hosts of the month are all talented and lovely people. Ed,Lorrie and Guy are all great.

I still remember the first night I went to the Motel I was so scared and in awe. We had our own group in NJ and we all week after week learned and grew at our craft. Coming to NYC was an entirely different experience. The host my first night in was Lori Chase. Lori is a wonderful comedian and host. I remember thinking.....will I ever be able to do that? Look how at ease she is. That night and during the first few shows I did there I saw Rick Shapiro, Bill Burr, Jason Good, Sue Costello, Carmen Lynch, and Michelle Bateau....... the bar had been raised . Week after week I watched and would all week long drive myself nuts to come up with anything new to bring to the Motel and see if it flew. Slowly I got to know so many talented and dedicated people. It was like that song...NY NY if I can make it there Ill make it anywhere.

So even though I have been fortunate to be hosting at NYCC lately... I feel a different pressure at the Motel. At NYCC the audience is always different. At the Morrison it is a core group that comes in each week and I want to have something new and fresh each time. I was originally thinking of asking each person to answer a dumb question once they finishes.... Like I don't know Paper or Plastic. But that's really dumb. I was thinking of reading passages from one of the 2 women I hate most on this earths auto biography..... Kathy Lee. ( Star Jones being the second) But what I think I will do is just write a short bit to begin the show and just try to explore my funny self on stage here and there.... I promise more there than here. I think this is a good idea because it is an open mic for me too. I am learning how to bring the real Robin to the stage and just be funny from the core and not so much from staged material. We will see it will be a work in progress. I would love to have music but I don't own an I Pod and wouldn't know how to work it if I did..... I just figured out how to text message on my cell after 3 years.

I am performing later tonight at Ramapo College. It is my first college gig so far. Every time I get onstage there is something new to be afraid of and overcome or learn from. Hey its college lets see what I can learn.

Lastly the comic who used my bio as a template changed hers at long last. I had to send her 2 letters but she changed it. It might have been nice If she ever answered my emails at all ...or said sorry....but no. Call me catty or another word that begins with "C" I took her out of my circle. Her new bio is good because its her own and she has quite an unique resume.

Comments are below
I'll see you there
Posted on 11/12/2005 at 08:34 AM by Alan Schwartz

I've been Morrison's sign-up guy on tuesdays, I guess he feels a Jew should collect the money. Anyway, I'm sure you'll do a great job hosting, and I'm looking forward to seeing it. I also took that lady out of my circle. She's still trying to get in my square and rectangle, but I won't let her into those either.

Posted on 11/12/2005 at 11:29 AM by H. P.

Hope to see ya there.


The Motel
Posted on 11/12/2005 at 08:04 PM by Amy Patrick

I still miss O'Brien too. He was so great. Also, I have read Kathy Lee's bio. It's tremendous. Does Star have one I'll check it out. Have you seen her website?

Yes I have seen Stars web site
Posted on 11/13/2005 at 12:30 AM by Robin Fox

SHe doenst have a book. But here wedding web site is so sick. She paid for nothing. Everyone was told to do it for free since she was selling the photos to all the rags. What a ass. Even if she lost all that weight.

Good Luck Hosting!
Posted on 11/13/2005 at 04:55 PM by Adrienne

Posted on 11/13/2005 at 06:36 PM by Sean O'Connor

you did awesome, colleges are so fun and easy.

Glad she changed her bio
Posted on 11/14/2005 at 11:17 AM by Kelly Shannon

quite a unique resume? Are you sure it's hers? Just because she changed from yours doesn't mean she didn't steal somebody elses. I took her out of my circle also.

Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Bio-hazard.....some one liked my bio too much

I was invited to join someone's comedy circle the other day..... I didn't know this comic at all. Not to act like the cool kids at the cool kids lunch table I accepted the invite. I don't want to make someone feel rejected the more the merrier. Curiosity hit me and I wondered if I knew her so after about a week I hit her photo and go to her profile page. She is not from the NYC area. So she might know me just from here on the Soapbox. Then I read her profile and oh my she has lifted my bio. Not that it is a big thing but in someway's its huge. I spent a long time putting that together. I think it reflects who and what I am about. I worked in advertising and really never had to write about myself before and it really bothers me. Now I am going to write to her and nicely ask her to change her bio. Here Judge for yourself....

Here is mine: Robin has spent the past 17 years being a Mom and dieting. Three years ago she gave up dieting and decided to make her life long dream of being a comic a reality. She is happier than she can ever remember and will never look back. Original and funny, she talks from her heart about the frustrations of suburban living and raising a family. No longer is she willing to just be the funniest Mom on the cul de sac.

Here is hers

Comedian xxxxxx has spent the past 14 years being a Mom and dieting. Because it became too hard to juggle both she gave up dieting and decided to take a sit down job with a local invention company. Original and funny, she talks from her heart about the frustrations of public schools, work, public transportation and raising a daughter.

Now I know there are more important things in this world to worry about ie Global warming....writing a clean 30 minute set...... but you know this really bothered me. What was she thinking....? If youll hack a bio....... what else should get nailed down and bolted to the floor???

I just sent her a short note .......

Hi Comedian XXXXX, I wanted to know if I knew you after you invited me to your circle. Tonight I checked out your profile and noticed that you used my bio as a template for your own. I know copying is the sincerest form of flattery....but No. I spent a long time working on that and it is mine. In a bussiness that prides itself on can do better I am sure. Please change it. Thank-you. Best wishes Robin.

Comments are below
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 03:22 AM by Adrienne

Sounds like Single White Female. I like the part where you say, "I know copying is the sincerest form of flattery....but No" That was great. Let me know how it turns out.

Ditto on that
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 07:56 AM by April Brucker

Single white female is one scary assed movie. And copying is a sincere form of flattery, but not copying almost directly. Wow. Scary.

And one or two comedians I didn't know asked me to join their circles. I was like cool, even though I don;t know you. But this whole circle thing is like facebook, which isfriendster for college kids basically. Next thing you know comedian XXX will be trying to poke you. (Robin, ask your daughter about facebook).

Single White Female
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 08:32 AM by Alan Schwartz

With all due respect ladies, I just don't see how you can kill somebody with a shoe.

That is just down right tacky!
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 09:22 AM by Kelly Shannon

Good thing she doesn't really know you or she would be stealing your jokes too. I think you did the right thing and with class I should add.

Just woke up
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 09:34 AM by Robin Fox

Its 9:44 and she hasnt gotten back to me. Will keep you posted.

that's a bit scary and messed up
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 10:02 AM by Josh Homer

I agree with Kelly, if someone will take a bio, I think they will take a joke.

#1 FAN
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 11:01 AM by Jud Heine

This may be an inopportune time, but Robin, will you please join my circle? I'm a huge fan. I love that joke you do about....oh, forget it.

Posted on 11/09/2005 at 11:20 AM by Robert Driemeyer

I like your "Not to act like the cool kids at the cool kids lunch table I accepted the invite." I didn't know this person but also accepted. Lucky for me she's not an overweight, bald, ex-chorus boy or I might have had similar troubles.

Hey Robin
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 11:37 AM by H. P.

That was me silly. It's just that I can't come in second, so, why not take from first. By the way, tell me when your next performance is so i could bring my recorder, last time it was difficult to write down all of your jokes to claim for my own.


you're putting comedian XXXXX in the top 10
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 11:53 AM by Josh Homer

although you never say this person's name, most know who it is, and we have all run to thier page on soap box, and guess what, now they are in the top 10!!!!!! I'm stealing your bio!

No Shit!
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 12:34 PM by Adam Sank

Bitch is ahead of ME now! I won't have it!

You go, Robin!
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 12:47 PM by Correne Kristiansen

As always, you handled yourself like a professional. Next time, though, I think we'll have to beat her up on the playground after long as I get to sit at your lunch table.

I didn't want to tell you, but
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 01:39 PM by Ray Rivera

I've been using your mom material, I just couldn't think of jokes about being a mom, especially since I've not given birth, but you never know. What we'll do is if we are on the same show, I won't do your jokes.

Posted on 11/09/2005 at 01:38 PM by Sue Ball

Fuck, Robin, I'm WITH ya on this one, and glad you brought this shit UP, as I also accepted a comic in to my circle that I DON'T KNOW and HAVE NEVER MET because my thinking is always, "Sue, don't be an asshole..., be flattered." However, y'know, I'm thinkin' of booting her out, and she may be lovely, but, it IS a little, yeah, y'know, I'm looking forward to hearing the outcome. Robin, I don't know YOU, but right now, baby, you trailblaze....and I'm pullin for ya.....k?

as the hours go by...
Posted on 11/09/2005 at 02:48 PM by Robin Fox

I am getting more and more pissed. I emailed her last night and she hasnt gotten back to me. As for everyone saying I have acted professional....I dont know if I will still feel like this by tomorrow. Thanks all of you for your understanding and support. Oh and to show you how dense I am it took me half a day to connect Single White Female with the movie. Im on the talent search trying to find a comic named "single" I am hosting tonight at NYCC and will be at the Gotham thing too but will have to leave early. Hope to run into a few of you then.

Its 1:52 and counting
Posted on 11/10/2005 at 01:43 AM by Robin Fox

So heres the update. The comic who lifted my bio has still not responded to my email. Im not sure what the next step is. I would love if we could all collectivly tar and feather her....but that wouldnt be nice. What I will do eventually is kick her out of my circle. oooooooooooooooooooooooow that will show her! I really know its not a biggy but come the fuck on. This is a site for comedians. What do we treasure more than the sound of our own voice............OUR WORDS. The thing that pisses me off the most is it wont even make a good bit except at an open mic where there are a room full of comics. Lastly thanks for putting up with me on this.

Can I out her?
Posted on 11/10/2005 at 03:53 AM by Adrienne

Posted on 11/10/2005 at 09:31 AM by Kelly Shannon

I already deleted her from my circle. I don't want to be associated with someone who steals.

bio changed
Posted on 11/10/2005 at 09:44 AM by Josh Homer

looks like it worked. its changed to a longer wordier, bio.

Thanks Josh
Posted on 11/10/2005 at 11:41 AM by Robin Fox

By the way to those of you reading this I didnt give out her name. The reason some people figured it out is she invited just about everyone who is in my circle. Last night I came home at 2 am from working and the bio was still up. I wrote her a second letter.

It went something like this......

It might be nice if you at the very least responed to my email. It not as nice as an apology which I really do deserve. More importantly... Please change your bio. I dont want to have to resort to speaking to Steve or Danny about this. Lastly as a comic what is the big deal of writing a bio. Its no where as hard as writing a joke.

I am glad she changed it.