Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy on Holloween....

I havent bloged in 10 days.... the last entry kind knocked the wind out of my sails.. See Brush-off With Greatness. I also have be using the message boards to talk to the gang from NJ. So for the past 18 months I have been living out my life long dream of being a standup comic. Time to reflect. A few weeks ago I was in a very competitive contest in the Village. I had made it into the semifinals and then moved on to the finals. I make no bones about the fact that the very best part of being in the contest was the opportunity to play on a weekend in a sold out room in NYC. Not only one week but two. The excitement was beyond belief for me. The room was white hot and to play to an A room is just the best thing going...especially if your on your A game. I musty have been I made it into the finals. Between the two weeks of the semifinals and finals a strange and amazing thing happened to me. I woke up early in the morning and much to my surprise I felt something very rare and unusual for me. Known for being moody and depressed far to can imagine how shocked I was to realize that even before anything had happened yet that morinig....I was HAPPY. I have to say that no one was more shocked than me. I have always been a reactive kinda happy person. Something good had to happen in order for happiness to follow. I think living a creative life with objectives and goals has been the reason for this outbreak of smiling and well-being. Being a Mom is fulfilling but the goals and rewards are very long term and sometimes very anti climatic. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the baby slept through the night. Where is the hallmark card for that one. I consider it an accomplishment that my daughter who is 17 has no body piercing or tattoos........Yippppppy. My son cleaned his room Zooooooooowiiiii. The fact that I have a pre teen and teen that are good kids who don't hate me or their dad does make me proud and happy. Just not in the same way. I think the reason for this is that my accomplishments with comedy are all mine. Something that is very rare in my life. I drive the family car... I eat in the family kitchen...TV in the family room. I share my bedroom. Everything I do and have is wrapped up in the people I love the most. Yet the minute I pull out the driveway My own life and personal fulfillment begins. It might seem obvious to any one else but to me having a life for and of my own provides a happiness I forgot I was missing.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Brush off with greatness.

Many years ago in 1993 I was watching TV. When the credits ran on the beginning of the show I recognized a name. It was a very uncommon name so I knew It had to be the person I thought it was. Memories of college flew into my head. I had been friends with this person and had eaten dinner with her and her gang for most of my sophomore year. Darla...Lets call her... was one of those larger than life people. She was a presence... She appeared ultra confident. She had opinions on everything. She knew who she was. She grew up in NYC and was sophisticated and street smart. She was a drama student and out of all her gang it was obvious to me that she was going to be a star. I on the other hand...was lost, insecure, unsure of how and what to do in life.

I was drawn to Darla and her gang like a moth to a flame. Some nights I would be leaving the cafeteria and see her coming in I would turn around and pretend I had just gotten there and join them. As much as I was insecure and depressed at the time....I had one thing I knew for sure. I could make Darla laugh every time. She thought I was funny and would tell me to sit with them. I would make them all laugh and would have a blast. Darla thought I was hysterical. Back then I had dreams of becoming a comedian....unfortunatly I had no jokes, I had no clue how to become a comic and the Internet wasn't invented yet.

Life moved on. Many years passed. Then I saw Darlas name as the head writer and producer of a MAJOR TV sitcom. Wow...sure of course....who else...... A few more years passed and Darla was the Producer of another Hit TV show. The show she was producing had a very special episode. Everyone was talking about it. The show was wrapped in controversy. Darla was quoted in the papers defending her show. Later that year the episode won the Emmy and there along with the STAR of the show on the stage of the Emmys stood Darla holding her very own Emmy. I was so happy for her. Then and there. I decided to write Darla an email and congratulate her. I couldn't find her email address anywhere... I looked on I looked and looked I googgled her name but couldn't find an email address or anyway to reach her. This was six years ago and still from time to time Id try to find a way to contact her.

This past Monday I found a piece she had written for the Writers Guild. I emailed them asking for a way to contact her. Later that night Darla emailed me. She stated that she was sorry but my name didn't ring a bell,,, who was I? Could I write her back? The reason I haven't blogged in 3 days is I was composing my letter to Darla. I gave her some information to try to help her remember me and then I told her how I knew that she was special way back then in college and that she was such a creative sprit that I knew she would someday fly, to where ever she wanted to be. I also told her how I had become a comic and that I am finally happy doing what I always wanted to do. I wished her continued success in her career as well as the rest of her life. I also told her I had been trying for quite some time to contact her and that I was so happy to finally have found a way to reach her.

The very next day she wrote back....."Thank you for all the nice sentiments and memories. But to be honest, I don't remember any of it. And I really don't remember you. But thanks for saying hi and good luck with your career."

Oh well.

Comments are below
Ohmigod, What a BITCH!
Posted on 10/21/2004 at 01:31 PM by Adam Sank

Let the parlor game commence: My guess is Marcy Carsey, of Roseanne fame.

Thanks Adam
Posted on 10/21/2004 at 02:04 PM by Robin Fox

No its not Marcy

Posted on 11/02/2004 at 03:02 AM by Jon Bander

Sorry to hear about that Robin. Now, for the fun part: My guess is Dava Savel from Ellen. The controversial episode was "The Puppy Episode," where she admits she's gay. Don't deny it. Circle gets the square baby.

I will never say.................................................................
Posted on 11/02/2004 at 08:46 AM by Robin Fox

I think the reason she didnt remember me was the fact that I mentioned that I was a comedian and maybe she thought.... I wanted something from her. Her response to my email couldnt have been more terse and cold. John when you hit the big time hopefully youll remember me and send me an autograph. xx

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Third Cut is the Deepest

I woke up tonight and went downstairs to watch TV. There was a Rod Stuart commercial about 2 minutes long of Rods newest CD of Standards. Enough already was cute the first time..playing off type. I liked hearing that raspy voice bring new life to a bunch of moth ball ridden songs.....okay and the follow up album last year (yeah I called it an album sue me) I will let it slide. Perhaps it was a contractual obligation. But a third album....and selling it on TV through an infomercial. Cut it out. Sheryl Crow is covering your songs...... you are a standard. Your making me feel old .....Knock it off. What's next an album of children's songs?

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Girls Night Out

I did my fifth Saturday night show ever last night. It was in true road show format. They had a MC an opener, feature and headliner. I thought I was to be the opener...but he asked me to feature. Im thinking I have 20-30 minutes of material IM sure of...OK. It was a Girls Night Out Show.....why is it when there are all men comics its called a Comedy show the headliner asked hypothetically. I loved doing a longer set...its heaven. You can pause and let a laugh build and die down. You can kid with the croud. I loved every second of it. It must have showed. I had a strong set...I had an excellent set. It was my best set ever. I did it for 16 people.Pathetic huh?? But they loved me. I was going to just go after I was done but there was the matter of getting paid. The owner of the club told me Id get be determined. The Mc when I asked him at the end if he could pay me said....I just made enough to cover the headliner....sorry ....I didn't make anything tonight either. Welcome to show biz..... I had 3 women came up to me at the end and said they tought I was the best of the night. Where could they find out where I was playing ... Do you have a web site. No. I told them and then I gave the and told them I list my bookings and they could email me to confirm. Thanks soapbox. Also they told me they work in an office with 100s of women who would want to see me..... so no pay but I got 3 women ready to start a fan club. I went home happy. Still I would have liked to have gotten gas money for the ride home.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Speehless part 3

Firstly... I did perform. By not talking for two days I did have some voice. I drank hot water with lemon and tried to relax. The first words I said in two days came out....and allthough a little deep for could hear me. I had a good first 7 minute set and made it into the top 3 of the first 5 to perform. The nest 5 went on and they picked there top 3. When it came to the final two from each group I was eliminated. I was okay. It was a room filled with fans playing the game with not only who they wanted to win ...but also who they wanted there guy to go up against. That I held on so long was an acomplishment. The best part of the night was that the Club owner announce that the finalist had all been passed at the club and that we will soon be working the weekends and be getting paid. So I am offically a working comic. The room was all kids and I still did well.. As soon as it was all over, I realised that my voice fealt stronger. Was it all nerves.. was it the Airborne..tea???? Or just me....relaxing.

Comments are below
Congrats, Robin
Posted on 10/17/2004 at 11:52 AM by Adam Sank

I knew you'd come through!

Friday, October 15, 2004

Speechless part 2.

Update on my big weekend with no voice...What to do ? Im thinking of bringing a wipe erase board on stage and writing my jokes, perhaps with a reader? Or someone else could say my jokes and I could do the facial expressions. Kinda Komedy Kareoke. I have not spoken for a day now and have a tiny voice left. Im in the finals for a $2500 prizes and $2500 in cash tonight. The contest is at the Sals Comedy Hole at The Village Ma.. on Mac Dougal at 10 tonight. Im going....Im drinking tea...Im praying and Im doing the best I can. Murphys law is a bitch!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE>>UPDATE>> It is hours later now and Im leaving.. I got vicks vapor rub on my chest. Haulls in my mouth. A scarf around my neck. A Big thing of hot tea. Oh and of course its raining out. Robin Fox the mime comic is on her way...Look out New York.. Look for Speachless 3 sometime tonight after midnight Ill let you know if My voice showed up. I still have to compeate on top ot this.

Comments are below
I LOVE that idea!
Posted on 10/15/2004 at 03:12 PM by Greg Manuel

Though what you should do, is have that somebody come up with you and read your entire set out loud while you stand there and gesture. When they don't infuse the right inflections and emotions into the stuff, you'd whap them on the shoulder, and they'll roll their eyes and go "Alright, FINE! GAWD! Now I lost my place, y'happy? Ugh...'So my husband wanted head last night, right?'"


Why is it that weeks can go by and nothing really is going on. Your home on a Friday night just like in high school wishing you had a date. Its just now you want a club date. I was booked this week. Thursday I had my first booking at the Underground. It was a flyer spot and meant 2 hours of barking. I was thrilled. I admired a lot of the comics on the bill and couldn't wait. Friday I am in the Finals of the World Comedy Laugh Off. And Saturday my very first Paid feature spot in a Jersey club. This morning I wake up and much to my horror....I HAVE NO VOICE. My biggest dilemma is to find a replacement for my flier spot. Jarrette Kruse saved the day and he is probably performing as I am writing this.... Then it was to get my voice back for the contest tomorrow. Why? Why? Why? Other comics told me everyone is sick ... and we all share the same mic. Occupational hazard...I guess. Im drinking tea, not talking (next to impossible for me or any Mom) taking airborne......and praying.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Color my word

I have to paint my house. I am so tempted to paint everything just white. The painters are coming this coming week and I dont have a clue what colors to paint. I have never been one of those women who lived for fashion...or to decorate. I used to think I wasn't into fashion because I didn't have the figure I why bother. I have come to a new conclusion. Im not into it because Im clueless... its like being tone deaf. It must be the same thing with decorating. I don't like decorating. I hate swatches and color samples. I get dizzy just thinking of going to the paint store and deciding what colors I want to live with for the next 5 years. Get a I hate them even more. They come up with a entire plan that sounds great....But I cant tell if I will like it till its done and then $1000s of dollars later I have a room that would look great in HER house. I keep thinking ... I can do this, I can do this...I cant. Why do I have talents that are useless? Like I can usually identify the famous actor who is doing the voice over on commercials. Lisa from 6ft Under is on several. Alex Baldwin can easily be confused for Gene Hackman...I can tell it subltle differences ....In this arena Im gifted. Where can I return this gift and trade it in so I can exchange it for having a clue wether "whisper heather" is better than "moss" Where do you get a job naming colors?... I might be good at that. Luck bastard who has that gift and has actually found a job.

Comments are below
I should know something about useless talents...
Posted on 10/14/2004 at 09:55 AM by Greg Manuel

...there was once a time when I could name every WWF World, Intercontinental and Tag Team Champion from 1985 (Hulk Hogan, Tito Santana & Greg Valentine/Brutus Beefcake) to 1995 (Bret Hart, Razor Ramon, Money Inc.).

Then there's the uncanny knack for THINKING about the Simpsons episode that will be playing the minute I get home from work...

As for your painting dilemma? Go Rolling Stones with it. PAINT IT BLACK!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Winner Is???

The past few weeks have been pretty exciting. I am in two contest and in both I have moved on to the next phase or final. Its bittersweet in someway. In one contest I was up against a comic that I have come to really respect and like and hated that it would be ahead to head competition. Unfortunately for one of us I won. It really took away from the dance I would have wanted to do if I won against someone else. My winning meant him not winning and I feel awfull.

Its so objective these contests. I really like being in Contests for many reasons. Firstly its an opportunity to play for a much larger audience. Then there is the benefit of getting some kind of gage on how well you are doing at this craft of comedy. Am I good enough to make it even into the darn thing. I was trilled just to be told that I was accepted into the Ladies of Laughter contest no less placing first in the NJ semifinals.

On the down side is not doing well. Or the variables....Judges were talking during your set. The worst comic brought his entire town with him. You had a cold. And God forbid the entire thing is rigged....ala....Last Comic Standing. I had a good friend loose at a very prestigious contest because...... Someone heckled her the entire set. Then there is the plain truth that you were just not as strong that night as the other comics. Contest force me to hone a set down to its absolute best under the restrictions of time and content. The worst part of contests is..... as wonderful as it is to do well in them.... The crash you feel when you loose is unbearable. Every negative quality I have, shows its awful head. Im bitter and remorseful. I second guess my every move. If I have a tape I examine it like its the Zebrudder Film of Kennedy's assassination. Then I swear I will never do another friggin contest. On the plus side as time moves on I can look back and see that each contest I have done, has made me a better comic. I also have met amazing people and made valuable contacts. I was just asked today by a producer of a contest I did last summer if I am available New Year's eve for a paid gig!!!!!!!!! Oh by the way I lost that one too. I have never won a contest yet......or have I ...I just didnt know it. I was looking at the wrong prize.

Comments are below
Go, Robin, Go!
Posted on 10/12/2004 at 08:49 AM by Adam Sank

I'm so proud of you!

You're a special act
Posted on 10/12/2004 at 11:00 AM by Joe Fernandes

I enjoy your act so much and when my family saw you at the Stress Factory 2 weeks ago, they echoed the same response. Its hard to explain but you have that certain "something" that most comedians I see dont have. An honesty and natural humor that makes your show fluid and real. Now, I'm not an authority on comedy, being that I have only been doing this for 3 months. But I am an experienced fan and I cant fake a laugh. And you make me laugh every time. Contest are fun, but by no means an accurate gage to go by. Just watch Last Comic Standing... aside from Dave Mordal and Vos I don't laugh. You have also been a tremendous source of encouragement for me since I started and I am thankful. Keep on making them laugh!

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Howard moves to satellite

So Howard is moving to Sirius satellite radio. I guess thats it then. Thank you FCC for ruining the only still free of charge mass medium left in this country. Thanks for all the lawsuits and fines you gave out to protect our free air ways. Thank so much for letting a handfull of corporations own all the deregulation. Companies used to be able to own only a few staions and never more than one in a market. No more now you can buy them all and guess what.... radio and music have turned to crap. America used to have 1000s of independant stations each offering a different point of view. Each with its own music and programing director. Each city had its own spin and sound in someways. Now there are a handfull of corporations running the show ... all spewing out the same crap. Radio sucks now. But Rush Limbaugh is on coast to coast. So great Howard will be able to curse..... But no commercials you say.....yeah sure just like cable... wait there coming. Thank you FCC for governing our free airwaves right into toilet so that now we will be forced to pay to have the Free of the FCC Airway we deserve.

Comments are below
i couldnt agree with you more
Posted on 10/06/2004 at 12:08 PM by

Robin you hit the nail right on the head, but ist not just radio. Its to the point now that even in comedy clubs you cant say what you want. i had a friend thrown out of an open mic at a bar because he refused to change his act because there were children there. im not sure about the rest of the country, but in new york unless you have a resturant license anyone under 21 cannot be in a bar. I've come to the conclusion that these days entertainment business is all about appealing to the mass market while keeping the religious minority thats in power satisfied. And i think it really sucks. Thats why nbc is able to air shit like last comic standing, but comedic greats like howard stern is forced to go to satelite radio. What ever happenned to freedom of speech? what ever happenned to adult only entertainment. Robin i used to think stand up comedy was the last bastion of free speech adult entertainment, but after what happenned to my friend last week i seriously doubt it

Posted on 10/07/2004 at 11:07 AM by Greg Manuel

If it means he'll cease the whining about the FCC (this is bigger than just YOU, Howie. A little perspective, hm?) and bring some substance beyond his love for lesbians into the world of radio, then more power to him.

Third times a charm.

I had a really productive day. I did 3 shows at 3 different places two in the city and one in NJ. What made the difference was allowing myself to try some new stuff and not getting tied up with having to KILL. At least thats what I did at 2 of the shows. The middle one had a real audince and I did my core set. What was different was that I tried it with a different energy. Just to see. I was more relaxed ...the room was relaxed and it felt right. I made a joke to a friend after my set that it was like doing an UNplugged version of my core set. I really enjoyed myself. Which is why I like to do comedy in the first place. The audience responds to your having a good time and I wasnt going to wait for their response before I was going to decide if I was goiing to have fun or not. I also liked doing many sets in one night. It was a lot of fun. My energy was good and I felt a momentum. I had to document feeling like this because often I can feel like where I want to get in comedy is more important than where I am. Tonight I liked where I was.

Monday, October 4, 2004

Who you calling sick?

I had a cold this weekend... which woudnt be the end of the world if not for the fact that my entire family had the same cold. It was a weekend of lets compete to see who is the sickest and can complain the most. I of course must lay it on thick because 1. I live to complain 2. Otherwise everyone thinks as the mother its my job to play nurse for everyone...which I do anyway. 3. I am an attention whore....need proof I have a blog. As my friend Correnne so nicely pointed out to me. I recently heard about this stuff called Airborne...its a homeopathic remedy. None of my family would take it. I took it as it prescribed and guess what ... I am all better now. Which is good because no one can be sicker than my husband unless their dead. It was a losing battle competing for most sick against him. I may like attention But he likes being a sick needy baby even more.

Comments are below
Admitting it is the first step....
Posted on 10/04/2004 at 05:40 PM by Correne Kristiansen

Oh Robin! I'm so glad to hear you accept the fact that a blog is a diary for attention whores! But in reality I think all of us comedians are shameless attention whores. Of course, I'm still more of a comedy slut than a comedy whore because I'm not getting paid. (I think I may have stolen that line from Mike Trainer, so if he's reading this, here's his shout out.) And since we're already getting dirty, let's face it, if comedy is like sex, an applause break is a multiple orgasm....

Posted on 10/04/2004 at 11:00 PM by Robin Fox

See I said she was funny on her home page and she just proved it.