Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Color my word

I have to paint my house. I am so tempted to paint everything just white. The painters are coming this coming week and I dont have a clue what colors to paint. I have never been one of those women who lived for fashion...or to decorate. I used to think I wasn't into fashion because I didn't have the figure I why bother. I have come to a new conclusion. Im not into it because Im clueless... its like being tone deaf. It must be the same thing with decorating. I don't like decorating. I hate swatches and color samples. I get dizzy just thinking of going to the paint store and deciding what colors I want to live with for the next 5 years. Get a I hate them even more. They come up with a entire plan that sounds great....But I cant tell if I will like it till its done and then $1000s of dollars later I have a room that would look great in HER house. I keep thinking ... I can do this, I can do this...I cant. Why do I have talents that are useless? Like I can usually identify the famous actor who is doing the voice over on commercials. Lisa from 6ft Under is on several. Alex Baldwin can easily be confused for Gene Hackman...I can tell it subltle differences ....In this arena Im gifted. Where can I return this gift and trade it in so I can exchange it for having a clue wether "whisper heather" is better than "moss" Where do you get a job naming colors?... I might be good at that. Luck bastard who has that gift and has actually found a job.

Comments are below
I should know something about useless talents...
Posted on 10/14/2004 at 09:55 AM by Greg Manuel

...there was once a time when I could name every WWF World, Intercontinental and Tag Team Champion from 1985 (Hulk Hogan, Tito Santana & Greg Valentine/Brutus Beefcake) to 1995 (Bret Hart, Razor Ramon, Money Inc.).

Then there's the uncanny knack for THINKING about the Simpsons episode that will be playing the minute I get home from work...

As for your painting dilemma? Go Rolling Stones with it. PAINT IT BLACK!

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