Thursday, October 21, 2004

Brush off with greatness.

Many years ago in 1993 I was watching TV. When the credits ran on the beginning of the show I recognized a name. It was a very uncommon name so I knew It had to be the person I thought it was. Memories of college flew into my head. I had been friends with this person and had eaten dinner with her and her gang for most of my sophomore year. Darla...Lets call her... was one of those larger than life people. She was a presence... She appeared ultra confident. She had opinions on everything. She knew who she was. She grew up in NYC and was sophisticated and street smart. She was a drama student and out of all her gang it was obvious to me that she was going to be a star. I on the other hand...was lost, insecure, unsure of how and what to do in life.

I was drawn to Darla and her gang like a moth to a flame. Some nights I would be leaving the cafeteria and see her coming in I would turn around and pretend I had just gotten there and join them. As much as I was insecure and depressed at the time....I had one thing I knew for sure. I could make Darla laugh every time. She thought I was funny and would tell me to sit with them. I would make them all laugh and would have a blast. Darla thought I was hysterical. Back then I had dreams of becoming a comedian....unfortunatly I had no jokes, I had no clue how to become a comic and the Internet wasn't invented yet.

Life moved on. Many years passed. Then I saw Darlas name as the head writer and producer of a MAJOR TV sitcom. Wow...sure of course....who else...... A few more years passed and Darla was the Producer of another Hit TV show. The show she was producing had a very special episode. Everyone was talking about it. The show was wrapped in controversy. Darla was quoted in the papers defending her show. Later that year the episode won the Emmy and there along with the STAR of the show on the stage of the Emmys stood Darla holding her very own Emmy. I was so happy for her. Then and there. I decided to write Darla an email and congratulate her. I couldn't find her email address anywhere... I looked on I looked and looked I googgled her name but couldn't find an email address or anyway to reach her. This was six years ago and still from time to time Id try to find a way to contact her.

This past Monday I found a piece she had written for the Writers Guild. I emailed them asking for a way to contact her. Later that night Darla emailed me. She stated that she was sorry but my name didn't ring a bell,,, who was I? Could I write her back? The reason I haven't blogged in 3 days is I was composing my letter to Darla. I gave her some information to try to help her remember me and then I told her how I knew that she was special way back then in college and that she was such a creative sprit that I knew she would someday fly, to where ever she wanted to be. I also told her how I had become a comic and that I am finally happy doing what I always wanted to do. I wished her continued success in her career as well as the rest of her life. I also told her I had been trying for quite some time to contact her and that I was so happy to finally have found a way to reach her.

The very next day she wrote back....."Thank you for all the nice sentiments and memories. But to be honest, I don't remember any of it. And I really don't remember you. But thanks for saying hi and good luck with your career."

Oh well.

Comments are below
Ohmigod, What a BITCH!
Posted on 10/21/2004 at 01:31 PM by Adam Sank

Let the parlor game commence: My guess is Marcy Carsey, of Roseanne fame.

Thanks Adam
Posted on 10/21/2004 at 02:04 PM by Robin Fox

No its not Marcy

Posted on 11/02/2004 at 03:02 AM by Jon Bander

Sorry to hear about that Robin. Now, for the fun part: My guess is Dava Savel from Ellen. The controversial episode was "The Puppy Episode," where she admits she's gay. Don't deny it. Circle gets the square baby.

I will never say.................................................................
Posted on 11/02/2004 at 08:46 AM by Robin Fox

I think the reason she didnt remember me was the fact that I mentioned that I was a comedian and maybe she thought.... I wanted something from her. Her response to my email couldnt have been more terse and cold. John when you hit the big time hopefully youll remember me and send me an autograph. xx

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