Friday, September 17, 2004

On call

Like in all jobs some days are harder than others. Today I was in all major modes: Mommy, daughter, chef, maid, laundress, chauferr, Jew, sex kitten, and comedian. Holidays are a bitch. One of the perks of being a stay at home Mom is you dont have to dress up till evenings usually. I hate putting on panty hose before 5. But as a good mom setting an example I had dress up and go to services. Due to terrorism threats other than the handicapped you cant park in the main lot. I found a space about a half a mile away and walked in high heels to the High Holidays. We got there just in time for the aerobic portion of the service. Up down Up down turn sit stand stand sit. Feh. I decided to go out to the lobby for a short break. I hit an all time "your just like the movie Punchline record (see earlier blog-Arent you Sally Field) In less than 2 hours I got 4 people ask me If I saw the movie or recommend it to me. I thought the movie was a it seems the entire friggin world has seen it.

After thanking G-d for all the good in my life I went home to 2 hours of cleaning and setting up for dinner. I also had to go to the store for last minute supplies for dinner. Company came a 5pm dinner at 5:30. I am the only adult female in my family so I play host and the part of Alice from the Brady Bunch. How nice would it be to have someone like Alice to serve the meal and clean up after. I wouldnt even mind doing the cooking.

My dad and mom are always a challenge, My mother is telling this sad story of this women's terrible misfortune, she is welling up almost crying as she relates the story...."she was abused and homeless"...only to find out it wasnt anyone she knew but someone she heard while listening to talk radio. My dad of course irritated my husband by asking why and when this and that around our house was going to be repaired or repalced....this is always a sure way to annoy my husband and after 21 years I am convinced it is on porpose.

I can never get mad at my children when my parents are around. They always think that we are wrong and that their grandchildren can do no wrong. This is great for them but drives me up a wall. Who are these people..when did they get so mellow. I was asked to leave the table if I had my elbows on it...or laughed to loud with my cousins during holidays.

During dinner my parents were arguing about their screen name for thier new computer. My mother whos name is Alice says Marty..How can you forget our screen name its Alice in wonderland. I make coffee, run upstairs for my 3rd wordrobe change of the day to go into the city to do a 10pm show. Parents leave, I leave for the quietest time of my day driving 50 minutes into NYC. Im in the club in under an hour a new record door to door. The room is light, I bark for an hour (see woof woof blog) feet are killing me. I get on stage at 11:20 and have a good set, I even venture doing some stage work with the room. I leave...and am home by 12:40 I start this blog and lost half of it while spell checking it.......ugggggg. I decide to finish it in the morning. Its 11pm the next day and it took me an entire day to recover from the day before. Oh and I forgot just as I was leaving the club last night a comic runs up to me and says "Hey Robin..You gotta see this movie....its with Sally Fields and Tom Hanks... the record stands at 5 Punchline references in one day. It was a hectic day and yet the best part was getting up on stage....Something is strage about that to me. I think after years of doing what ever just came up next for so many others...Im living a part of myself that is for myself. The creative, the performance and the recognition is all for me.

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