Friday, December 9, 2005

Shut the fuck up.

Wed. night I did an Industry Showcase at NYCC, Buddy Flip had produced. It was my night to shine and I had a really strong set. I was in the zone, the audience was in the zone the planets were all in line and best of all It was in front of industry and being taped.

I was nervous because I hadn't performed in over 2 weeks the longest I have taken a break since beginning. After the show I headed downtown to Sal's and he offered to put me him... I followed Rick Shapiro who is god to me and did very well....thank-you planets.

The next night I had 2 spots at the NYCC one in the big room at 9:30 and the second at 11:30. The room was late to fill up and they were a loud group of folks. As the show began it was a bringer I had a booked spot on.... Mary Domino who is cute and hysterical took to the stage to MC. Cell phones were ringing every few minutes people were still being seated. There was a group of people in the front of the room closest to the door....who wouldn't shut up. I was standing by the booth and people all around them were getting annoyed that they were talking. The mic the night before was really had to hold it away...this night it was running very soft. With talkers it helps somewhat for me if the mic is loud because I can focus on my own voice.

I am pumped up from the night before. I dressed up both nights and felt very confident. Mary introduced me and I took to the stage. As I am walking to the stage the guy in the front says to his group ( I was told this later by a comic sitting near them and heard some of it myself) Great another woman comic I hate them. I hit the stage and I'm off to a strong start. I have them, then the talkers all turn their backs and are in a huddle talking louder than I am on stage. I say " Feel free to ignore me I'm married 23 years I'm used to it" They keep talking I continue with my set and the room is laughing and I pause before the next set up and the Guy in the group shouts out "Maybe if you were funny I would be talking". I continue.... I'm like George Costanza in Sienfeld "Hey George the ocean called their running out of shrimp" ALL I can think about is a comeback and I have none. I begin the next joke and get the light. I start the set up wrong and am so angry they are still talking people around them are all annoyed. I say " I got the light so I just have a few more seconds up hear and instead of finishing this joke Id much rather say some thing else.....SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! really I mean it SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I'm Robin Fox." As I walk by their table I say to them.... I hope when your friend goes up they get treated the same way you treated me...what goes around. " I walk to get my coat and everyone is high fiving me comics and some audience. I am told I was good. I am thanked for shutting them up. I go into the hall and obsess with what I could have done or said. I wanted to say something like this isn't the movies I can actually hear you. I didn't want to sound like an ass...or cross a line. Mary the MC runs out and says wow that hardly every happens during a showcase. I lost my Heckel virginity. Hell I'm in my third year what did I expect....but just like the real thing It is the next day and I'm still sore. I was standing by the bar and was telling a friend what happened. The pro comics and people at this much longer than me were wondering what the big deal was. I was a being such a girl.... I was really upset by how cold they were to it. Then again..... if you do this its as much a part of the business as the gum under the tables. To them it wasn't a big deal. One comic said.... I love a good ass hole. I love fucking with them back. I don't.

I felt like I was back in 5th grade and being picked on....the reason I became funny in the first place. What was I gonna say....your not coming to my birthday party. The good news is they were quiet the rest of the night.I was waiting in the hall to do my next set and so many comics and audience people said something nice to me. Mostly things like...Im glad you told them off...they were ruining the night. Others just said I was funny and wish they could have heard more. I have been in rooms where people were really chatty sometimes after I have gone up. I have gone up to them and said can you be quiet...Id like to hear. If your at a bringer and your a comic maybe you could do something to help a comic out before it comes to getting nasty. I don't know if that's the answer.

What is it with people that they don't know how to act during live entertainment. Is it that they don't go out of the house and just don't know how to behave?? Turn your cell phone off. ...and if you have to talk leave the room or don't sit in front of the stage at least. To the comics bringging these people ...please if you see your firends ackting like ass holes say something to them....the set you save may be your own. And to myself.....Grow a thicker skin.

Later in the night their comic went up she was so bad it was a train wreck. She looked like she was high and was incoherent. Her group not only talked during her set one got up and walked out shouting "I don't know her'. In the hallway after another woman was from the group and she was talking so loudly as was the entire area by the bathroom.... The manager walked by and asked them to keep it down. I then said...".Yea just Shut the fuck up" The woman recognized my voice and looked right at me I stared her down.... she looked away.

I went to do my second set in the small room their were 8 people left I had a good set. It is never a done deal with this thing. Two days ago I felt on top of the world..... today I feel like I've just started.

Comments are below
Posted on 12/09/2005 at 04:17 PM by Josh Homer

everyone gets heckled. once a woman heckled me because I am half white and half black, and she 'don't like halfbreeds'. I always follow the Patrick Swayze road house rule, be nice, if they talk, be nice, if they call you names, be nice. Be nice until it's time not to be nice, that way the audience is on your side when you rip them a new one, you don't get people thinking 'man that comic is an asshole' instead they think 'i am glad someone said something to that jerk'.

some clubs ask talkers to be quiet, and if they keep it up to leave (see the IMPROV) but NYCC pretty much leaves you to your own devices up there. i did a show there last monday with ssome english people who talked the whole show, no matter how many comics told them to STFU, or made fun of them. some people just want to be part of the show.

Posted on 12/09/2005 at 04:38 PM by Chris McDevitt

I like to ask everyone in the audience who paid good money to hear a comedy show and not to listen to a drunken douchebage to raise their hand. Then I ask them to extend their middle finger. Then I ask them to wave it at said drunken douchebag.
I like doing that.
P.S., it doesn't work so good on the Train.

Posted on 12/09/2005 at 08:15 PM by Adrienne

That room was terrible. They were so chatty, that and I thought the mic was really low. I wish I would have told them to shut the fuck up, I would have felt better about the set then too.

You were great dispite them
Posted on 12/09/2005 at 10:24 PM by Robin Fox

I was so angry I wanted to spit. Its a bringger show you jerk. I only wish I was sucking really tanking and it happened because then I would have felt I deserved it. It was a clear case of someone just not wanting any female to do good. Adrienne you were fantastic all the same even with the talking... Loved the new material. I was so proud of you.

Posted on 12/10/2005 at 09:47 AM by Al Wagner

Seem to bring out the novices...the people who would never be in the club if it weren't for their without excusing bad behavior it just seems to happen more often at bringers.

At least you got your wish, not only was their friend treated poorly, but by her own group!

Sorry for the difficult experience. I once had a bringer turn out badly since my own group were the idiots, but I won't dwell since I don't want anyone to hear my plaintive roar...

Glad the industry show went well!

-A Fan

Robin, you can't trust the planets!
Posted on 12/10/2005 at 09:58 AM by Kantad Svendsgaard

Seriously, if I've learned anything in the couple of years I've been doing comedy, it is typical to feel very high in the stratosphere one night only to plumb a new low the very next night. I've gotta think the comedians who don't quit and keep plugging along and don't let the last show affect the next show are the ones who make it big. I wish I had your courage - I would have told the Apollo crowd to shut the fuck up. On second thought...

By the way, you were great at Buddy Flip's show. Other comics asked me if I was going up that night, and I was proud to say "no, I'm here to see Robin Fox!"

I feel your pain
Posted on 12/10/2005 at 10:02 AM by Jeanne Noll

Robin, a few years ago I did a show - it was my first real show (not a bringer or open mike). I was doing a guest spot (five minutes at the front). The MC was also the booker and a regular MC at this show so he knew everyone and had inside jokes and they loved him... I was right after him to do my 5 minute guest spot. Right before he went up he told me "Make me look good - you're a professional!" No Pressure There! There was a really drunk lady in front and she wasn't exactly heckeling me - just totally incoherent and making funny loud noises. But she was a regular audience member and had a lot of friends there. I wouldn't dare say anything to her at that point anyway because I very seldom strayed from my totally memorized set. I think I ended up doing 2 1/2 minutes and forgot half of my punchlines - I was extremely flustered! Anyway, when I got down, the pro comics who were there came up to me and said things like, "You get used to that kid..." Like stuff that really left me feeling like everyone knew (thought) that I had no business being there. I came across like it was my first time being on stage and it really hurt. I just remember not being able to get that horrible feeling that I could have said something to save myself, put her in her place and make it funny, out of my mind. I haven't encountered anything like that since so I don't know if I've learned anything from it or if I would react any better if it happened today - but I think from experience I may not get so flustered - at least! I'm doing a bringer at NYCC next week (first time) so hopefully the mike will be loud and those people won't be there or they will have learned something from you. Anyway - good for you for maintaining your composure and saying something to them later on and congrats on your first heckling experience!!!

rule of bringing
Posted on 12/10/2005 at 12:33 PM by Alan Schwartz

If I have doubts as to whether my friend can behave themselves in a comedy club, I wouldn't bring them to see me. That being said, I saw the girl in the hallway being noisy, and while I didn't see her behavior in the room itself, her behavior outside it gave me the picture of what you had to go through. While that may have sucked, eventually it will be a distant memory while it's another night and you're killing uninterrupted.

Look at it from this viewpoint
Posted on 12/10/2005 at 12:42 PM by Shaun Eli

You said that the comedian they came to see was horrible. Clearly they did NOT want to be there. I'm not defending their behavior, but knowing that their friend was so bad, they obviously came into the room with a negative attitude.

Thanks for all the kindness
Posted on 12/10/2005 at 03:37 PM by Robin Fox

People think Im nice but I am really not. I would have paid someone big money to beat that guy up and given me pictures. I dont care why he was there... Keep your mouth shut. I chatt at a whisper and feel guilty when I talk during a show. The other night I had to move my seat because a comic keept talking to me and wouldnt get the hint...that I wanted to hear the show. Gina the manager asked me if she needed to go into the room and handle them, after my letting them have it they were quiet. Its good to know that the club stands behind you.

You go girlfriend!
Posted on 12/11/2005 at 01:11 PM by April Brucker

I think more comics should tell hecklers to shut the fuck up. I mean, you are a very nice lady off stage but I gotta hand it to you, you don't take shit from anyone!

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