Thursday, November 4, 2004

Take my life please.

There was a link to an article in the NY Times about the open mic comics in and around NYC.

I read the article and was already nursing a small depression....I wanted to jump off my roof by the time I finished it. Considering all we go through and how little in the end we are given it is a miracle any of us get up on a stage. It is an inherent need for some of us. It is an inner beast that only can be satisfied by getting in front of an audience with a mic (mic can be optional if need be) Talent.....would be nice. Funny, would be helpful. It is better when it is done well. My hat is off to anyone with the courage to follow their dream. Marry is portrayed as a sad case in point. I must admit though ... the time he takes to go to hospitals to bring some sort of reprieve how ever how short or what level of funny,,,shows that he does this from a burning desire in his heart to be who he is... a comic. He is not at that hospital expecting his big break. I must say that the community of creative people that comedy attracts is a nice thing for many of us. No harm no foul.

Comments are below
I read the article
Posted on 11/04/2004 at 03:33 PM by Shaun Eli

and showed it to two people, both of whom have seen me perform. They said it was a very sad article.

I agree with, unfortunately, the opening of the article-- that some people stand on stage not to entertain, but to complain. And that makes it more difficult for us, not only to attract people to come watch stand-up, but also makes going to open-mikes painful sometimes, because we have to listen to people's sadness without any entertainment. (this is not a swipe at Maury; he has material

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