Tuesday, September 13, 2005

No such thing as bad press..... yeah right!

The Last time I blogged was Aug. 12th. So why so quiet? Its a combination of things, My laptop is broken so I have to trek to my family computer in the basement. When my lap top is working I have it near me whenever I'm home so when the impulse strikes so would a new blog. The other big thing is that I have been doing some intern work for two different clubs in exchange for stage time. It sure beats barking that's for sure....whether it has been worth all the time and energy has yet to be seen. I do get a lot more stage time in front of a paying room. However due to this I 99% of the time do my best set....my same set. I feel the need to prove myself to the powers that be and in exchange for that .... I take less risks. I have had some stellar sets and my 5-10 is tighter than ever. So? Its too soon to tell.

So what got me to treck downstairs and blog at 1am? I checked my email. Then when I feel like a total looser I "GOOGLED" myself. Same shit as everytime..... Then it hit me why dont I "ASK JEEVES"??? There it was. The article a few comics said they saw with my name in it in a Big NJ Newspaper a year ago. It was a story on the Ladies of Laughter Contest. I had looked for it back then and couldnt locate it. Now over a year later there it was. The following is an exerpt from the article...

"Even something as simple as marriage with children in suburbia - and how it isn't always the life it promised to be - stung as much as it tickled. Dressed like a frump, looming large, and looking haggard, one of the comics barged onstage threateningly. "My name is Robin Fox, and I'm a trophy wife," she barked, looking furious when the audience started laughing. "But I AM. I won a pie-eating contest two weeks ago."

Frump= let herself go and looks unfuckable, Looming Large = Fat, Looking Haggard= old and tiered and unfuckable. Threateningly= Run children Run. They also didnt mention the small fact that I came in First in the New Talent division.

So....... is this my charm? Is this my rock bottom to start a diet? Its funny the week after I put on makeup straightened my hair and wore a nicer outfit....and I lost to Miss Friggenly Funny Georgous Former Miss NJ Deanna Blizzard, who went on to win the Finals in NYC. Its funny because so many people tell me that my strong point is that I am very likable on stage. The are bullshitting me?! Are they just saying something to say.... like when you see an ugly baby...................."NOW THATS A BABY!!!!"

What can I say. I am frumpy.... I find I do better on stage when I look frumpy. Loom large uggggggggggggggg yes I am overweight. If I diet I will need an entire new set. Haggard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you bet I fucking am. I drive 500+++++ miles a week to do comedy. I work 16 hours for what amounts to 10-15 minutes of extra stage time. I sit in more traffic at 2 am than most anyone I will ever know. Most nights I spend more time looking for parking than I get on stage!!!! I go to bed at 3 am and get up at 6 am for my family make lunches, shop clean and cook dinner before noon and if I'm lucky nap for 2-3 hours when everything else is done. There isn't a lot of time left for Palliates and Yoga class, Manicures, and any kind of pampering to speak of. Haggard...............no I'm old and exhausted. Some one told me a few weeks ago they thought I looked 38. But a really exhausted 38. SO should I lie and say I'm in my Late 50's.

I so want to give up. But the article also left out something.............I'm stubborn and don't give up. How do you think I'm married for over 20 years. Do you think its because I got the one great guy left in all America. No I'm stubborn......and don't know when to quit. And just like my husband I love comedy and that keeps me going.

Dont think Im so strong. In one or 2 days I will have a total meltdown in my car at 2 am in traffic....you can count on it.

Comments are below
Posted on 09/13/2005 at 12:18 PM by H. P.

I saw you perform once at Sal's one night and I thought to myself "Damm I wanna be as funny as her on stage" now get the fuck off. lol

My fear is, I'll be lying on my death bed when I get my gig break in comedy. I also have my quote for my headstone icase that does happen, it'll say "I'm too young for this shit"

Peace or R.I.P.

Posted on 09/13/2005 at 03:11 PM by Kelly Shannon

Robin, you have some of the best stuff around. Don't pay attention to that article. Maybe the person was just in a pissy mood when they wrote it. The article they did on me was not really accurate either. You can also look at it this way. Look how far you have come in a year. As for frompy. Don't even go there. Every time I have seen you, you looked great. So, just to sum it up. Don't listen to anyone putting you down who doesn't even have the balls to go up on stage themselves.

Thanks Kelly
Posted on 09/13/2005 at 04:58 PM by Robin Fox

I have to laugh that something written about me over a year ago is nuts...even if I did just read it last night. I am thinking about taking a little better care of myself though. Last night I saw Judy Gold........... I see what 18 plus years of stage time and hard work can do. I want to see my talent or lack of clearly. I dont want to be self delusional either. I just was shocked that someone could size me up like that. I dont know why I let it bother me........I came in first that night. Its funny I do a bunch of self deprication on stage, but I like when Im the one in charge. I say when to laugh. UGGG. Got to go put some makeup on....and polish my nails.

On second thought...
Posted on 09/13/2005 at 05:34 PM by Brian Baumley

Ever consider that they had to describe you as a caricature of yourself to make your joke work in print?

I did think that................then the self hate took over
Posted on 09/13/2005 at 06:00 PM by Robin Fox

Its sick because I won that night and was flying high. Then when I didnt make it the next week into the finals....thank God I didnt see this then. I was hanging on to my sanity as it was. Miss you Brian... thanks for pointing that out. I will believe that. That keeps me sane. Miss you.

Posted on 09/13/2005 at 08:54 PM by Adrienne

You are going to let something in s a news article upset you. Just think when people read it and see you in person they are goign to think you did a 180. And in reality you are just the same great you.

Im fine
Posted on 09/14/2005 at 02:21 AM by Robin Fox

Tonight I talked about this thing on stage and it went over well. I had a passion and my feelings about being conflicted were played out well onstage. Lemonade out of Lemons I guess.

On the Flip Side...
Posted on 09/14/2005 at 09:53 AM by Adam Sank

First of all, Robin, I think you're gorgeous. And even you admit that "frumpiness" is part of your stage persona, so obviously you're playing that up when you get up there. I agree with Brian -- the writer was simply using hyperbole to drive home your punchline.

But consider what it's like on the other side: All I ever hear about from crowds and what little press I've gotten is that people want to fuck me. Even Therapy's website, if you go to the listing for Sunday, Sept. 18, refers to me as their "new hottie host."

Now, it's nice to be fuckable, but as I told my therapist the other day, being onstage is the one time in my life that I want people to like me for my BRAIN. I am not a stripper. I'm a comic (at least in my own mind). I'd rather people think I was funny.

You're a comic, Robin. The article makes you sound funny. That's what counts.

See you Sunday night, Lovey.

Poor Adam, $400 of Ben & Jerry's will cure your problem
Posted on 09/14/2005 at 12:26 PM by Shaun Eli

Robin, love the pie joke! Plus, the article says "Dressed like" not "Is."

Broken toys
Posted on 09/14/2005 at 05:04 PM by Robin Fox

I think that more that is going on here is internal. My entire act is me saying........This is who I am!!! I showed this reporter this. I need to remember that on stage I put out a certain projection of who I am. So I guess when the reflection came back I forgot that point. If I played a monster in a play.........would I be mad that they said I look like a monster. I also think he was setting up the joke...and did a good job of it. But the pain is, my entire life I have had issues with my looks... So it kinda broght up alot of my own feelings of insecurity a first. Hey... I got a niche!!!!!!!!!!! I will be the funniest of the FRUMPY!!! Thanks for all the kind words. It was just such a shock at first thanks for talking me off my ledge all you guys...(and gals)

You're fine :)
Posted on 09/15/2005 at 04:41 PM by Raquel D'Apice

The frumpyness is completely part of your stage persona. I saw you that time at Sal's when you were all dressed up and you looked gorgeous. And Sarah was so pretty and she didn't get all from her dad! It's easier to laugh with someone who looks frumpy than with someone who looks pretty, so it works when you're on stage, but don't fool yourself into thinking you actually look like that...

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