Thursday, September 22, 2005

Funny....Im funny? I amuse you. Im a clown?

I really wish that I never told a soul in my normal life that I do comedy. It is nice to have something to say other than the fact that I'm a full time mom. When I began my wish was to be able to say I am a working comic and for it to be true. However, often people will try to challenge me on what I do. " So your a comic what do you talk about....tell me a joke." I have a standard joke I use... and often they just smile and then want to tell me a joke. What is the most annoying thing about it is that women who in the past whom never had anything to say to me now think they have something to talk to me about. Sometimes there really sincere and are happy that I have pursued something that I love. Other times I feel like they need to prove that on the social hierarch that I am not a threat. Other times it is just that they want to know how its going. All in all Its a bore. Here's why, when I go to a social event ...I really have had my fill of comedy for the week. Many times I have turned down a gig to be at some of these events. So every time out at a social event feels a lot like the time before. I often try to turn the conversation around to them and usually that does the trick...people love talking about themselves.

The reason I told people about my comedy life was I felt I needed to self promote to get people to do bringers. The truth is I spent my load far to early in my career. I had most local friends see me in my first year and I think I'm a lot funnier now. It is really hard to get middle aged people to come see you in NYC ...especially when the club is asking for 10. 10 means I need to ask 16 in hopes of 10 showing. Its just too stressful. However some of the best opportunities out there are made available to the comics who do the bringer shows. I feel like I am not just a suburban mom anymore nor am I a real working comedian. I'm in limbo....funny limbo. So I just plow on and go to the next social event, thank goodness they have an open bar.

Comments are below
I never talk about my standup anymore
Posted on 09/22/2005 at 12:17 PM by Chris Kania

I never talk about my standup anymore. First of all, if there is no HBO special to mention, most people just don't care that you came up with a new bit, or had a good open mic. Talking about my own standup bores ME, I can imagine how the people hearing me talk about it feel. For me, I focus on developing my own stuff, and just don't talk about it, perhaps only to other comics, not "regular folks." I would LOVE to be successful one day, and have a bunch of people I know, see me and say, holy cow I know that guy, and I did not even know he did standup.

Robin The Fox
Posted on 09/22/2005 at 02:15 PM by H. P.

at least they're not telling you in your face "Oh I hear your practicing to be a CLOWN!", and it sounds worse in Spanish. "Ah, esta practicando ser PAYASO!"


Buck up Robin.
Posted on 09/23/2005 at 11:29 PM by Dave O'Gara

You are a funny lady hang in there. Good things are on your horizon.

I think you need to draw a younger crowd. Maybe one that can stay up after "Barnaby Jones."

I on the other hand am one of those obnoxious a-holes who loves to talk about comedy. I am my own biggest fan.

Im Bucked
Posted on 09/24/2005 at 02:31 AM by Robin Fox

I did a show a few months ago for the Red Hatters...all the women were 50 this case almost 70 plus. I did a good show but far from killed. I started at the Stress Factory which is mostly Rutgers Kids. I perform in the Village alot mostly NYU kids. I think to be a good comic you need to be funny...and relateable. I am not a redneck yet some of those comics are really good. I am not black form the hood yet I love urban shows. I am not gay but love many gay comics. What you need to be able to do on stage is share your viewpoint and give the audience a window into how you think and deal with your life and why you feel the way you do....being funny at the same time. Its like music. A hit crosses over. Good is good. It might not be what I might think I would like....but somehow I do. I look like a Bill Marr fan. I like him. But I love Rick Shapiro.

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