Roses are red, violets are blue. I love the soapbox and I just got a booking from it too. Last week I got an audition for a radio ad, and today I just got booked to do a charity luncheon in NJ.How great is that.That felt good for about minute... Then the Shit hit the fan.. I am really upset and if I could Id turn back time and not do a bringger at all. I hate them in princple but this one the fell on me.... I need to do a show because 25 women asked me too. THey wanted NJ and a weeknight. I have offered spots in return to make up for this on a Saturday night..... read the comments..
Comments are below
What the hell is up with this show tomorrow, though?
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 03:55 PM by Chris McDevitt
Seriously...a bald ass little birdie told me that there's some sort of booked show booting the open mic...and they got your photo hanging on the flyer...
So, "What up wit that?"
So sorry
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 04:05 PM by Robin Fox
A month ago the director of my kids preshool called me and asked me if I had any shows in NJ where she could bring 25 people to see me. So I thought hey Liz Russo does showcases all the time I'll call her. Its a mess. The show was to be held at Rascals in Montclair. The show got bumped and Liz moved it to the Stress Factory. I was really bummed. A, because I wanted to be seen at Rascals, B,I felt awful that the open mic would get bumped. It was all that you should know. No good dead goes unpunished. Im only getting to do 7 minutes and the director is going to be really annoyed that I dragged them all out for such a short set. Uggggg. I hope it will turn out okay.
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 04:14 PM by Chris McDevitt
We're talking out of my mind angry. I think its probably one of the most disrespectful things that one comic could do to for your minor involvement, that's excusable. A need for an audience easily understood. The rub, is all of the friends and family of other comics who will be denied a set at all from their loved loons, because of it.
So now, you get to be painted as the Judas, and everyone else gets the shaft... I can't even think straight...this caught me on a bad day, because I am LIVID.
McDevitt is right.
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 04:54 PM by Sean O'Connor
I mean Mike Noner is on the show. That's offensive not only to comics but also other Mike Noner's. Like Mike Noner from Pierre, South Dakota he's just a good old boy who owns the Piggly Wiggly. But now that this Mike Noner has decided to join the stand up community..SOUTH DAKOTA'S MIKE NONER's bank forclosed on his Piggly Wiggly. Now he destroys MY STAND UP ON WEDNESDAY NIGHTS... GOD! WHAT NEXT? Build a time machine and sodomize JESUS?
No Wednesday!
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 06:29 PM by Scott Beaton
If I don't get my attention fix I am not sure what I will do, oh my Thursday teachers will surely bear the brunt of this. Ok so who wants to hold open mic in front of the Stress Factory tommorow?
The happy dance is over.
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 06:40 PM by Robin Fox
I knew this would happen I just didnt expect it to happen on here. I called Liz because manna fell from the sky when I had someone wanting to bring 25 people to see me. Rascals is the only club in NJ that has showcases or as we call them bringers. The Stress Factory hasnt offered a bringer in almost a year. I have emailed Vinnie to do one at the Stress Factory on several occasions. I got the date of Jan 26th before Xmas at Rascals. I tell my preschool director and she gives out holiday cards with the gift of taking them all out to a comedy show. There all excited. I get notified a few weeks ago that Rascals cancelled on Liz and that I should not worry she has booked the Stress Factory. I asked Tommy about this and up till last week it wasnt even on the calendar. My ladies call for reservations and are told its an open Mic. Im not sure if this is even going to happen. I have never worked Liz before. She has a great reputation for being a pro and does what she promises. Im panicing. I feel terrible. I am doing a show in Sommerville the first Sat. in February. I will try to put up as many of you guys as I can. Email me through the soapbox and I will give the first 10 of you well wishers a spot. Fair enough.
See that's kind of why I'm uber-pissed...
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 08:12 PM by Chris McDevitt
The Stress Factory hasn't done a bringer in over a year. Probably for good reason. We have a great community of comics there, from the weekly regulars, to the always amusing, paper-ball/chair throwing/cock flashing one-shots.
Its a simple place with a simple dynamic. You pay your $5, your friends pay their $5, and you get a show. Your part of the show may be 3 minutes, or 5, if you're lucky seven, or if you used to be on Stern and are terribly unfunny fifteen tops. But that's the beauty, you never know what to expect, but you always know what you can count on. I love that place and I love that room.
And right now, the righteous indignation coursing through my body reminds me of Jesus in the Temple cum Marketplace. One simple Christmas gift has brought (in my estimation) all that is soulless and wrong, through the doors of my Wednesday night haven.
I don't mind if we get bumped for a Dice or even a Louis Anderson, or if Corporate America wants to laugh at a family-man hack....but when some of our own, pave over the others, that just pisses me off to no end. A tuesday night, a thursday night...but the OPEN MIC night.
I hope I'm not the only one here that offended. From the SF POV I understand, 1) It's a business. 2) I'm sure they took a bath last week with the cancelled O.M. and the blizzard during Dom Irrera.
From your point-of-view, Robin, I understand...this was never supposed to happen at the SF. That's not what you intended. But why did you run to an outsider anyway? That's the question I don't get. IF you're starting your own room in February...why not utilize that night for your Preschool Night out? What better way to kick that room off, than with a packed sympathetic crowd? This is what I don't get.
Why did a self-sufficient, wife, and mother, instantly run to a 'promoter' to book a show, she had the built in audience to put on herself?
That question aside, I just feel bad for all the comics who aren't on MYSPACE or COMEDY SOAPBOX, who have no idea about what they're going to walk into tomorrow. Those like Sir Will who drive 2 and a half hours from MID NY...those who drive from that Comic I don't like...Those who had the same thing happen last week, although that was do to an act of God....
Couple the disappointment of not performing....with the $7 increase in ticket price, and the familiar face on stage...I won't be surprised at the negative reactions...and its for that very reason, that I am so pissed off. Why wasn't it publicized? Why not on the schedule? For the steady walk-in business of a Regular Wednesday night who don't know its not the regular show?
The whole thing just strikes me as wrong somehow. Anyway that's my piece on it.
I guess, That's my FIVE MINUTES, this week.
Chris McDevitt
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 08:37 PM by Robin Fox
The reason I didnt have them to the Somerville show is that they wanted a weeknight show for a girls night out. My show is on a Sat. That was my first offer. Secondly I mentioned to Liz that Wed was the Stress open Mic and she said that the Weds was the only night offered to her. I was between a rock and a hard place. The Preschool director was committed at that point to her present she had given and I didnt even want to do it at The Stress Factory. I have wanted to work with Liz because she books private functions and came recommended. Where should I have done a weeknight show. I thought to bring the women to the open mic and to tell you the truth. I didnt want them to be in a room full comics who show thier dicks and tell baby rape jokes. I may laugh and think its funny they wouldnt..... they wouldnt. I also thought they might like seeing Jessica Kirson and Liz perform. On the food chain....Open mic just doesnt seem to be a priority to the Stress Factory. If it did it wouldnt take the booking. If they did we would be notified well in advance of changes and cancellations so we wouldnt have to show up and find out then. If they did see the open mic as a priority they might promote it. If they did they wouldnt schedual charity functions on open mic night and hire comics and not give a spot to any of the open micers. If they did when Jim Brewer was in and caused the mic to be cancelled for weeks they might have given a few of us a spotbefore or after. If they did they might offer discounts to non sold out shows so we might learn and grow. If they did they might once and a while come by and watch a new comic and let give us a chance to be passed at the club. If they did they wouldnt have tried to kill the thing last year. If they did Tommy wouldnt have to sell his soul to keep the thing alive. It might have been nice if the show was on another night. But the club was booked and the open mic though a PRIORITY to ME and to many wonderful comics isnt to the powers that be. I am sorry. I am sorry that the only way to get on stage in NJ main clubs is to bring your own audience. I have done 3 since I have began and I would have pulled the plug on this except I am commited to this woman who is bringging 25 people.
Enough....for you....
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 09:20 PM by Chris McDevitt
That's cool. Not trying to crucify you on this. Just stating my opinion. Airing my voice. Remember this, I'm saying it to your face. My words may be the lyrics but there's a symphony of groans behind it.
In the end, I can't stop you. And the people you've hooked up with will do what they want. But to say that the club sold us out....?? Who bought the club's time? Who booked the clubs show? Who brought the booker in? For someone I've seen beg, borrow, bitch, and buddy up for stage time, you seem rather free with taking it away from others...
You say what you want about my rape babies bit....I've never been anything but myself to anyone I've met since I got in this....I've never done anything to anyone, I wouldn't want done to me....but above all any show or stage time or appearance I got, I got because of relationships with other comics.
No, not buttfucking relationships. Well, not all of them. Doug, sweetie, I'm looking at you.
I've showed up week after week at struggling rooms, come out to rooms I wasn't performing at to strengthen the crowd, pasted URLS and everything else all over the net. I've networked...but above all, I never fucked anyone.
It may feel good now...but in the long run....the sneaky bastards make EVERYTHING OUT OF CHOCOLATE....and once you've eaten it, there's no getting it back....
Hopefully, this night fails miserably....the weather appears to be on my side...and hopefully some of the regular viewers will be...
Because I would hate to see a room that you admit management wants to kill....turned into a soulless bringer, thanks to 25 soccer moms who DON'T like the O.C.
That might be enough for you. But it's not for me.
getting the last word
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 10:11 PM by Robin Fox
I booked a show at Rascals. I made a commitment to these women. And as far as begging borowwing and bitching..... Im working here. I have never begged for a gig. Ive worked by getting tapes and sending them. borowed what? No ones giving me any thing for free.And bitched...??? Never tried that one....hows it working for you. I am sorry. I blew up your world. I said I didnt think 25 women over 40 would appreciate the frat envrinment of the open mic. I didnt think the baby rape comment would offend you since thier is nothing offensive about it. I just know these women wanted to see a tamer show. Thats why I choose to do an ongoing bringer that for an entire year has allways been at Rascals. I am soooo soooo sorry. My luck she moved it. How did I know see would do that. They wanted a week night. Was I suppose to rent a hall. I couldnt back out. I had 25 women who got a present and had to keep a commitment. The system stinks and it landed on my friends. And you know what friends hopefully will understand my situation an forgive me. I guess your not one of them.
Friends like these....
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 11:02 PM by Chris McDevitt
Justify it however you want. The bottom line is I think you're nichey. Not Nietszche. I think you're self serving, I think you're condescending, but above all I think you're blind to everyone but yourself. I have yet to meet one of your friends. And I pray to a third of a God neither one of us believe in, that I never do.
just to chime in...
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 02:11 AM by Sean O'Connor
Once again Mike Noner's on the show. I'm sorry but Mike Noner from Olympia, Washington was a prominent litigator up until Mike Noner stepped into the stand up world. Since then he's been caught in 3 sex scandals with 2 members of Thin Lizzy. Furthermore that show tomorrow is going to be so weak. Thank You Sean O'Connor -- See me in La.
I'm with Robin on this
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 08:10 AM by Shaun Eli
I haven't met any of you, but I've read the postings here.
Nobody is refuting her facts, only stating their opinions. So here's what I'm reading. Robin put together a show at another club, one that would not interfere with your ongoing open-mike. And I say "your" open-mike even though it doesn't belong to the comics, it belongs to the club. The club allows you to come to the open-mike (yes, they do charge you for it, a nominal sum) but it's their club, it's not a co-op.
Robin then committed to that night both with a producer and with her audience.
The producer and/or the club switched rooms, and didn't give Robin any alternative. Her audience already had the date agreed-to and planned-for. The CLUB cancelled the open-mike in favor of a paying audience. I presume that was the club's business decision. I doubt they did it to piss off the open-mikers, but simply to make money. How much money do you think their open-mike brings in?
If you were talking about losing the only open-mike in North Jersey, forever, I could understand. We are talking about one night. Yes, it would suck for people to drive two hours for a cancelled open-mike, and it's too bad the club can't somehow accommodate both. We've all had gigs cancelled, and it's no fun. But consider what Robin is doing-- bringing an audience to a club, an audience of, as I understand it, mostly women over forty. How many of them do you typically see in a comedy club? Folks, isn't this GOOD for stand-up comedy? If they enjoy the show, they tell friends, they bring friends, and you get a whole new audience.
I'm over forty (not by much) and when I've invited people to shows, a lot of what I hear is "Wow, I used to go to comedy clubs all the time when I was younger, I don't know why I stopped" and they go back. I also hear "I've never been to a comedy club and I really should go" and they do.
We need audiences. We should do whatever we can to attract new people to comedy clubs.
-Shaun Eli
I'll put it simpler....
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 08:51 AM by Chris McDevitt
When you are a regular performer at an open mike...and you are involved in an event that BUYS OUT the room on the open mike night. You are screwing the people you do the open mike with every week. That probably won't be forgotten the next week. Also, I personally DON'T NEED that kind of who has to be coddled, and censored....this isn't Utah. It's fucking Jersey. Simple Enough?
Response from Liz Russo
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 09:13 AM by Liz Russo
Wow, good for you guys... pick on a comic trying to have a good show, further her career and get booked instead of the person you should be flaming, Liz Russo - me. C'mon pick on me, I have nothing to fear from a few unsuccessful, and very mean-spirited, inexperienced comics. Why don't all of you just drop me an email expressing your thoughts instead of ruining a good comic's day. Robin is a sweet girl who has done nothing to any of you and she does not deserve any of these messages. She will have a great show and I'm sure I'll book her for paid gigs. How she would put up going to an open mic with you assholes is beyond me. You sure know how to create a supportive creative environment don't you. I'm sure Vinnie is impressed. I'm sorry your open mic night was bumped for one snowy week. I'm sure you'll survive without it. If you have something to say, you come to me and leave the comics' out of it. I'd be happy to deal with any of you kids. -- Liz (
my thought
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 12:25 PM by
Chris what im thinking Shaun is saying though is that yah it sucks that your open mic got bought out, but its not robins fault. Im sure she didnt tell the club to bump your open mic. As far as her being involved im pretty everyone hear can identify with a comic who wants to do a paid gig. I dont know any of you, but im sorry i have to side with robin on this one also
To Liz
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 01:31 PM by Sean O'Connor
Unsuccessful? Me? No. Afraid not. I am Sean O'Connor. I don't know if you've ever heard of me but I've opened for some pretty big names and not to mention have been getting praise from casting directors and such for my work at UCB Theatre. So please don't badmouth me until you've seen me. I apologize in advance for not talking about the subway, cell phone reception, fox news, crocodile hunter, cooking for my kids, my CRAZY twins, the difference between me and my black brother, and Mike Noner. Sean ::SMILEY FACE::
By The Way as a comic
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 01:36 PM by Sean O'Connor
By The Way as a comic you should really realize what TOUNGE IN CHEEK means. All of you. I say things TOUNGE IN CHEEK-ly. Geez. Bush is such a good president.
Hows About Something from Somone Who Matters?
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 03:01 PM by Tommy Brennan
Ok kiddies, buck up this is going to be rough. We all love our Open Mic night because for the past two and a half years, we've made friends, connections, and people laugh. To see a bunch of you...McDevitt complain when you don't get to stuff yer face full of Yuenglings while you wait for your spot as the 20th comedian of the night, makes me kinda mad as well. Plain and simple...we had no idea what this show was all about because people were calling and reserving and we just kept telling them it was open mic nite. Eventually we found out the deal and yeah it sucks... Liz offered me a spot on the show also which most likely I'll do unless my earache gets worse. Things don't always go according to plan and that is this case. If anything McDevitt you've gotten Robin to be this week's hottest comedian and she should thank you for that. Its a goddammed show...with an audience. I say this with all due respect to my open micers. You want an audience when you perform? Bring Em. Especially now cause you can pick your own spot. But not this week. We can't keep doing open Mic with 20 or so people...I know you can't bring your friends all the time because honestly Ive heard all of you millions of times and I have to be there. For the proud. How can Liz from Rascals just come in and get a night? Good question gang. She's a buisness woman who had a show and Job to now when this audience comes in tonite they're gonna say...hey that was fun lets go back to The Stress Factory again...(NOT RASCALS) and as far as I'm concerned thats good for everyone...including you McDevitt because they very well might come to an open mic night and wait an hour and a half to see your seven minutes (if youre lucky). In closing don't shoot the messenger because they might be bringing a lot of new blood into a club where Open Mic needs a little boost. If you have problems now...I'm affraid to tell you the new news about Open Mic this year. So relax, because Pappa Bear said so.
Hot Hot Hot!
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 03:05 PM by Sean O'Connor
Tommy Brennan is on fire! Quick thing Tommy. Is the new news, Seven dollar tapes?
Prescient Business Theories....
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 03:26 PM by Chris McDevitt
Next week...we'll discuss the ramifications of the show tonight, the apparently 'new' leanings of management, and all kinds of other fun factors that shape the future of our lovable home club.... until then, I've got a lot pharmaceuticals to market, meetings to attend...and most of all a model/comic to email....
Tommy Brennan should never write!!!!!
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 03:30 PM by Julian McCullough
2nd city in the house, no writing requirement needed for that diploma
Was that the cry of an English Major?
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 03:46 PM by Tommy Brennan
Whatta ya mean I shouldn't write? You started a sentance with a number?!?!? Theres not even a period at the end of it cocksmoke.
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 07:53 PM by Greg Concodora
and I thought I was the Comedy Soapbox asshole. Come on, guys, there are more important things to get mad about in this life. Like public relations, religious violence and "According to Jim". At least when I get into arguments they're philosophical. Poop. ps-I love all of you guys, and when the revolution comes, you will all be saved.
I feel I MUST chime in......
Posted on 01/26/2005 at 11:00 PM by Nick Maritato
I would like to know what happened with Mike Noner! (chanting) NONER! NONER! NONER! I enjoy the Stress Factory (aside from when I am there) and I don't want to see it leave us for good....I mean how else would I have ever figured out that creepy Andy has A BIG FUCKIN HEAD!!!
look at the bright side
Posted on 01/27/2005 at 07:41 AM by
Hay robin even though you are getting a lot of crap for something that isnt your fault...atleast you are #1 on the hot comics list because of it
Posted on 01/27/2005 at 10:04 AM by Shaun Eli
It occurred to me ex post facto that we really should have put this thread on the Message Board rather than as a Blog. Comics should support each other, and we should not have aired our dirty laundry in public.
If anybody knows a way to move this (or, frankly, it's Robin's option to delete the whole thread)... -S
I am now posting all my blogs here. I am a true Attention Whore... Lets hope anyone cares. Included are my original blogs from the Comedy Soapbox starting from my second year doing standup. I will be moving them bit by bit.... Its almost as hard as packing...when you move. I have had a wonderful time looking back and seeing how I got here from there. I hope you will enjoy them too. Its been an amazing journey.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
Snow Business
01/24/2005 at 10:30 AM
I did 2 shows Saturday night in NYC. Yes it was snowing. Yes it was cold. I left for my first show at 6 to make it by 8pm. I took a cab down to 28 Carmine Street.. Cars were sliding everywhere. I got down there and tipped the cab big time for getting me there alive I walked into the cafe and no one was there yet. The sign for the show was covered by a snow drift. I lit a cigarette...addictive little fuckers.... took 3 drags and decided that getting out of the snow and cold would feel better than the nicotine ...and went inside.
The cafe was a nice space it is next to a restaurant that runs the food into the space. It was really good Italian finger foods, I had a cup of coffee...not espresso in a tiny little cup. I needed a 72 ounce 7-11 cup of coffee to warm me up. I got nervous that no one would show up to do the show. Then like some kind of NY miracle the producer and a few minutes later the audience arrived. The producer Paul O' Conner was late getting there and I was getting upset that all the work I had put into getting into the city during a Blizzard would be wasted. Me of little faith thought because he was 25 minutes late during the biggest storm of the season meant that he wasn't going to show and that I was a fool for even getting out of bed that morning no less traveling 3 hours in to NY in a snow storm. I watched Paul pull the room together for the show in minutes and then run outside. 15 minutes later when I went out for yet another smoke...addictive little fuckers.... I see that Paul is standing on the corner of Bleaker and Carmine handing out fliers. By the way my first flier with my name on it. (Note to self...shame you don't scrapbook) Wow. And he gets people to come into the show.
The show began and we had a nice crowd..... then he brings me up and lets me do 20 minutes. Yes you read that right I got to do 20 minutes in NYC!!!!!! It was fun. Was it my best set ever. No. Id give myself a B- It was the bullet spot and the room was still defrosting from the snow and cold. I did get laughs through the entire set yet one joke my whale joke died on the table. That's the one I obsessed about for the rest of the evening about. The room continued to fill up as the show went on....dam...I love New Yorkers. Paul did a set and it was beautiful. It was the first time I got to see him do a longer set and the construction of the storyline of his set and his performance were excellent. Sitting next to me were two kids from Oregon neither had never been to a comedy show. They kept on commenting to me how fantastic it was to see live comedy. I wrote them the names of a bunch of offbeat places in the city to go for cheap fantastic shows. Paul had a new kid named Matt do a set and he was great and them Paul did some more stage time and delivered another terrific set. Then the headliner Rick Shapiro came to the stage and tore the room up. I am a huge fan and I truly feel that Rick has reinvented comedy. Seeing Rick perform is like watching Jackson Pollack paint. He puts on layers and layers of words to the point of exhaustion. He is an artist. Its more than joke telling its what literature is to writing. I sat in awe. He is everything I love about comedy. The best part came afterworlds when we all stood around and talked with each other. I asked for feedback...and Paul and Rick were very kind and gave me much to think about. Thank God I showed up....
I walked over to Sal's show and the room was filled with a couple from England and two lovely people form Minnesota. Bob Bell was talking to the couple and I joined them. We started talking and I wound up doing crowd work with just them one on one. This is my weakest aspect of doing comedy. I don't know I was all juiced up.... I wound up writing on the spot a riff on the mid west. We all were laughing.
Sal and his dog came in and we started the show. I had a blast. Sal gave me a lot of stage time and I made up there on the spot a bit about how to stay married that I prayed on stage I wouldn't forget. ( note to batteries for recorder.) Then all of us after the show went to the bar and talked. Sal and I discussed me learning to host. I need to devote 3 minutes of every set to crowd work. I told him I am afraid on some level of the spontaneity of it. Which is nuts considering I did 4 years of Improv. The lights came on and it was closing time. I have not closed a bar in 2 decades. I walked out onto Mc Dougall to look for a cab. The street was empty. I had never seen it empty. No cars or cabs so I walked out to the Avenue. After 40 minutes I got a cab....back to my mother in laws apartment. on 33 rd St. It was so cold and awful out. Yet inside myself and all around me it was so peaceful and beautiful. It was a night I will never forget.
Comments are below
I cant do it again
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 02:25 PM by Robin Fox
Im suppose to do a mic at the Lantern tonight.... I cant face the snow and least not for today. I dont have another snowy night in me for today. There saying its gonna snow.
I did 2 shows Saturday night in NYC. Yes it was snowing. Yes it was cold. I left for my first show at 6 to make it by 8pm. I took a cab down to 28 Carmine Street.. Cars were sliding everywhere. I got down there and tipped the cab big time for getting me there alive I walked into the cafe and no one was there yet. The sign for the show was covered by a snow drift. I lit a cigarette...addictive little fuckers.... took 3 drags and decided that getting out of the snow and cold would feel better than the nicotine ...and went inside.
The cafe was a nice space it is next to a restaurant that runs the food into the space. It was really good Italian finger foods, I had a cup of coffee...not espresso in a tiny little cup. I needed a 72 ounce 7-11 cup of coffee to warm me up. I got nervous that no one would show up to do the show. Then like some kind of NY miracle the producer and a few minutes later the audience arrived. The producer Paul O' Conner was late getting there and I was getting upset that all the work I had put into getting into the city during a Blizzard would be wasted. Me of little faith thought because he was 25 minutes late during the biggest storm of the season meant that he wasn't going to show and that I was a fool for even getting out of bed that morning no less traveling 3 hours in to NY in a snow storm. I watched Paul pull the room together for the show in minutes and then run outside. 15 minutes later when I went out for yet another smoke...addictive little fuckers.... I see that Paul is standing on the corner of Bleaker and Carmine handing out fliers. By the way my first flier with my name on it. (Note to self...shame you don't scrapbook) Wow. And he gets people to come into the show.
The show began and we had a nice crowd..... then he brings me up and lets me do 20 minutes. Yes you read that right I got to do 20 minutes in NYC!!!!!! It was fun. Was it my best set ever. No. Id give myself a B- It was the bullet spot and the room was still defrosting from the snow and cold. I did get laughs through the entire set yet one joke my whale joke died on the table. That's the one I obsessed about for the rest of the evening about. The room continued to fill up as the show went on....dam...I love New Yorkers. Paul did a set and it was beautiful. It was the first time I got to see him do a longer set and the construction of the storyline of his set and his performance were excellent. Sitting next to me were two kids from Oregon neither had never been to a comedy show. They kept on commenting to me how fantastic it was to see live comedy. I wrote them the names of a bunch of offbeat places in the city to go for cheap fantastic shows. Paul had a new kid named Matt do a set and he was great and them Paul did some more stage time and delivered another terrific set. Then the headliner Rick Shapiro came to the stage and tore the room up. I am a huge fan and I truly feel that Rick has reinvented comedy. Seeing Rick perform is like watching Jackson Pollack paint. He puts on layers and layers of words to the point of exhaustion. He is an artist. Its more than joke telling its what literature is to writing. I sat in awe. He is everything I love about comedy. The best part came afterworlds when we all stood around and talked with each other. I asked for feedback...and Paul and Rick were very kind and gave me much to think about. Thank God I showed up....
I walked over to Sal's show and the room was filled with a couple from England and two lovely people form Minnesota. Bob Bell was talking to the couple and I joined them. We started talking and I wound up doing crowd work with just them one on one. This is my weakest aspect of doing comedy. I don't know I was all juiced up.... I wound up writing on the spot a riff on the mid west. We all were laughing.
Sal and his dog came in and we started the show. I had a blast. Sal gave me a lot of stage time and I made up there on the spot a bit about how to stay married that I prayed on stage I wouldn't forget. ( note to batteries for recorder.) Then all of us after the show went to the bar and talked. Sal and I discussed me learning to host. I need to devote 3 minutes of every set to crowd work. I told him I am afraid on some level of the spontaneity of it. Which is nuts considering I did 4 years of Improv. The lights came on and it was closing time. I have not closed a bar in 2 decades. I walked out onto Mc Dougall to look for a cab. The street was empty. I had never seen it empty. No cars or cabs so I walked out to the Avenue. After 40 minutes I got a cab....back to my mother in laws apartment. on 33 rd St. It was so cold and awful out. Yet inside myself and all around me it was so peaceful and beautiful. It was a night I will never forget.
Comments are below
I cant do it again
Posted on 01/25/2005 at 02:25 PM by Robin Fox
Im suppose to do a mic at the Lantern tonight.... I cant face the snow and least not for today. I dont have another snowy night in me for today. There saying its gonna snow.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Snow Kidding
I am having the biggest weekend of my comedy life.....I have 3 shows all in NYC! Last night I did the show at Dont tell Mamas and I think I did pretty well. The audience and the producer all were very positive. I loved playing there, Its a great place and a fun room. I finally got to meet Adam Sank ....thanks for coming out Adam.That was so nice of you!!!!! I also got to freeze my ass off. God it was cold. Tonight I have two shows one at 8 and the other at 10. I live out in the woods in NJ about 48 miles from mid town. Yesterday I called the producer of one of the shows and when I showed concern for the weather....after waking him 11am. (Note to self dont call comics before noon.) I asked him If he heard about the upcoming weather and he told me "he doesnt do the news thing." OK... I explained how bad the storm was going to be and he said "so take mass transit" I asked him how will I get down to the Village? He said SUBWAY. I dont do subways I have a vagina...and I will be by myself. I called my mother in law and asked if could stay with her Sat. night. She lives in Mid town.
I had gotten home from NYC Friday night at 2am.... after Dont tell MAMAs I ran down to the village to Sals Comedy Hole and stopped into say Hi and ask Sal about his show he had asked me to do...the 10pm one. He told me not to come in he would put me up some other time. I explained that I had an 8pm show with him and Rick Shapiro at 26 Carmines and I had to be there. Sal offered to take care of it all and do a longer set and fill in for me. He said the producer was his friend and not to worry. I dint have to fight the weather if I didnt want to.....problem solved.........Im taking MASS TRANSIT.
I woke up this morning at 10 and by 10:30 it was snowing. I was out of the house and packed in under an hour. I drove to Metro Park and put the mom/comedy van in the parking building. I wrestled with a prepaid garage machine to pay for my parking for 20 fucking minutes. I stood on the plattform and my feet started to freeze. ( Note to self sneekers arent to thermal.) I took the train and when we reached Manhattan there were no cabs and I waited 40 minutes for a bus to go across town. I am at my Mother in laws and will be sleeping here tonight. I guess this is my first road gig too. I dont know how Im getting to the village from 33 and 3rd ave. I am leaving at 6 for an 8pm show. I dont even know if we will have an audience. I do know that this is a night I have wished for and Im going to be a pro and show. I must love this because it is the first thing I have done that I have never wanted to give up on. I cant say that about anything in life that I have found difficult. I wanted to drop out of college. I didnt. I wanted to run away from my husband and children from time to time...I havent. But this comedy thing....... I dont know the harder it gets the more frustrated and crazy I might get but when it pushes me...some how I still want to push back. I hope I dont die on stage or in the snow tonight. I hope this is worth it.
Comments are below
Nick At Nite Search For The Funniest Mom
Posted on 01/23/2005 at 03:54 PM by Brian Baumley
Robin - Go to Nick at Nite's website. They're doing a search for America's funniest mom and contests are great, right? I think you have to send them a tape to enter.
You are wonderful
Posted on 01/23/2005 at 08:13 PM by Greg Concodora
Keep it up. You deserve all that you are striving for. Love ya, mom.
I had gotten home from NYC Friday night at 2am.... after Dont tell MAMAs I ran down to the village to Sals Comedy Hole and stopped into say Hi and ask Sal about his show he had asked me to do...the 10pm one. He told me not to come in he would put me up some other time. I explained that I had an 8pm show with him and Rick Shapiro at 26 Carmines and I had to be there. Sal offered to take care of it all and do a longer set and fill in for me. He said the producer was his friend and not to worry. I dint have to fight the weather if I didnt want to.....problem solved.........Im taking MASS TRANSIT.
I woke up this morning at 10 and by 10:30 it was snowing. I was out of the house and packed in under an hour. I drove to Metro Park and put the mom/comedy van in the parking building. I wrestled with a prepaid garage machine to pay for my parking for 20 fucking minutes. I stood on the plattform and my feet started to freeze. ( Note to self sneekers arent to thermal.) I took the train and when we reached Manhattan there were no cabs and I waited 40 minutes for a bus to go across town. I am at my Mother in laws and will be sleeping here tonight. I guess this is my first road gig too. I dont know how Im getting to the village from 33 and 3rd ave. I am leaving at 6 for an 8pm show. I dont even know if we will have an audience. I do know that this is a night I have wished for and Im going to be a pro and show. I must love this because it is the first thing I have done that I have never wanted to give up on. I cant say that about anything in life that I have found difficult. I wanted to drop out of college. I didnt. I wanted to run away from my husband and children from time to time...I havent. But this comedy thing....... I dont know the harder it gets the more frustrated and crazy I might get but when it pushes me...some how I still want to push back. I hope I dont die on stage or in the snow tonight. I hope this is worth it.
Comments are below
Nick At Nite Search For The Funniest Mom
Posted on 01/23/2005 at 03:54 PM by Brian Baumley
Robin - Go to Nick at Nite's website. They're doing a search for America's funniest mom and contests are great, right? I think you have to send them a tape to enter.
You are wonderful
Posted on 01/23/2005 at 08:13 PM by Greg Concodora
Keep it up. You deserve all that you are striving for. Love ya, mom.
Friday, January 21, 2005
I didnt know that! Dont tell Mama
I really love finding out new trivial information. Last night I watched Paul Shafer host the Letterman show. What a hipster...I'm from the same generation as him and is it me or does he just try a bit too much to be cool. I learned that he wrote the Song ...Its Raining Men sung by the Weather girls. What is scary is I know that this is just the kind of useless information that my mind will retain long after I am old and demented and cant remember the names of my children. Paul thanked Dave tonight by saying that he "Got to drive the Rolls last night". Not since Sammy Davis Jr. has anyone tried so hard to be cool. Now I'm beginning to question if in fact Paul pulls it off.
I'm a bit nervous tonight I have a weekend full of comedy in front of me. I'm doing my first show at Don't tell Mamas... The Poole Party. I really want to do well. The show starts at 9:30 and then on Sat. night I have an PM and a 10pm show. The weather is going to be awful they are saying and I cant cancel. I will take the train in and stay at my Mother in Laws instead of driving in from NJ. I was so excited to get these gigs and now that they are here I am nervous and worried. I want so desperately to do well. The key I have found is to get on stage and be very confident and well I'm a bit shaky. This is in no way meant to put down open micer's....but I desperately want to get out of having to do so many open mic's. Stage time is very important and there are absolutely no short cuts around it. I just really want to do more shows in front of paying audiences for longer than 5 minutes at a time. I push myself to do as much stage time as I can find because I got into comedy very late in the game and need to make a mark for myself before it is perceived that I am too old to be just starting out. I have come a long way but I must say it never gets any easier it just gets different. I progress and with each challenges show up. My goal is to just get funnier and hope the rest will follow. The rest being that there will be outward signs that I might have gotten funnier??? Like gigs or some kind of recognition. Is this making any sense or is this some PMS induced delusional blah blah blah????? Pray for good weather in the NYC area. If this was a Party Id call and say "Hey its awful out some other time" but its not its everything I have worked so hard for and I feel that unless I'm dead I have to show.
Comments are below
Posted on 01/21/2005 at 12:37 PM by
for some reason i liked paul better when he had hair. he just seemed a little cooler to me. As far as open mic's go im with you. I hate having to do them so much, but unfortunately there isnt much oppurtunity to do paid shows where im at (upstate ny). I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for good weather. good luck
I'm a bit nervous tonight I have a weekend full of comedy in front of me. I'm doing my first show at Don't tell Mamas... The Poole Party. I really want to do well. The show starts at 9:30 and then on Sat. night I have an PM and a 10pm show. The weather is going to be awful they are saying and I cant cancel. I will take the train in and stay at my Mother in Laws instead of driving in from NJ. I was so excited to get these gigs and now that they are here I am nervous and worried. I want so desperately to do well. The key I have found is to get on stage and be very confident and well I'm a bit shaky. This is in no way meant to put down open micer's....but I desperately want to get out of having to do so many open mic's. Stage time is very important and there are absolutely no short cuts around it. I just really want to do more shows in front of paying audiences for longer than 5 minutes at a time. I push myself to do as much stage time as I can find because I got into comedy very late in the game and need to make a mark for myself before it is perceived that I am too old to be just starting out. I have come a long way but I must say it never gets any easier it just gets different. I progress and with each challenges show up. My goal is to just get funnier and hope the rest will follow. The rest being that there will be outward signs that I might have gotten funnier??? Like gigs or some kind of recognition. Is this making any sense or is this some PMS induced delusional blah blah blah????? Pray for good weather in the NYC area. If this was a Party Id call and say "Hey its awful out some other time" but its not its everything I have worked so hard for and I feel that unless I'm dead I have to show.
Comments are below
Posted on 01/21/2005 at 12:37 PM by
for some reason i liked paul better when he had hair. he just seemed a little cooler to me. As far as open mic's go im with you. I hate having to do them so much, but unfortunately there isnt much oppurtunity to do paid shows where im at (upstate ny). I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for good weather. good luck
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
It must be love
There are a few things I really dont like to the point of avoidance...extreem cold weather is on the top of that list. Today is Tuesday and its my work out day for comedy.. My routine is to go to 2 or more open mics. I have a two new bits that need work and I am anxious to get them up on stage. I drive into the city and park somewhere in a general vacinity and then walk from club to club. It is colder than f@#K outside and I dont want to there are icey patches and after breaking my leg a few years ago on ice, I avoid it like the plague. Choices, Choices. Im going. I sound like Im going to Fargo...not the village.
I heard from another comic that Joan Rivers is working out for a show in Vegas a new set at Fez....Has any one been there to see her?? I have no idea where Fez is. I would like to see the old girl in person. Plus it might be fun to look at her in person and not through a vasaline covered lens.
Comments are below
88 Keys (that's what the guy smuggled into the country to buy that place!)
Posted on 01/18/2005 at 08:40 PM by Andrew Hayward
Robin, you're right, that room is fun, I did it last week for Joe and there was a good turn out. I haven't crossed your path in awhile and I haven't been on this website forever, still can't figure out how to make it all the way into the system to get shows. That voice over thing is great, you could be the next James Earl Jones of the radio! Not to clog your blog, but I booked a spot after 7 years of: "Thank you, NEXT!" Have you had a smoke?
Im a bum
Posted on 01/19/2005 at 01:17 AM by Robin Fox
Andy....I love you. I miss you! This is one funny funny man. Yes I did smoke it in my blog about resolutions. I quit for 17 yrs... then smoked for 6 months... then I quit from September till last Weds night at the Stress Factory. I had 3 or 4 just to remember how wonderful the first one was. Then I went till Fri night at 88 Keys and bummmed 4 smokes..Then I felt sick and wanted one all day Sat. and had to have the nicotine gum ...just one. Went till tonight when I had 3. I hate myself. I am a bum. I hope to see you around
I heard from another comic that Joan Rivers is working out for a show in Vegas a new set at Fez....Has any one been there to see her?? I have no idea where Fez is. I would like to see the old girl in person. Plus it might be fun to look at her in person and not through a vasaline covered lens.
Comments are below
88 Keys (that's what the guy smuggled into the country to buy that place!)
Posted on 01/18/2005 at 08:40 PM by Andrew Hayward
Robin, you're right, that room is fun, I did it last week for Joe and there was a good turn out. I haven't crossed your path in awhile and I haven't been on this website forever, still can't figure out how to make it all the way into the system to get shows. That voice over thing is great, you could be the next James Earl Jones of the radio! Not to clog your blog, but I booked a spot after 7 years of: "Thank you, NEXT!" Have you had a smoke?
Im a bum
Posted on 01/19/2005 at 01:17 AM by Robin Fox
Andy....I love you. I miss you! This is one funny funny man. Yes I did smoke it in my blog about resolutions. I quit for 17 yrs... then smoked for 6 months... then I quit from September till last Weds night at the Stress Factory. I had 3 or 4 just to remember how wonderful the first one was. Then I went till Fri night at 88 Keys and bummmed 4 smokes..Then I felt sick and wanted one all day Sat. and had to have the nicotine gum ...just one. Went till tonight when I had 3. I hate myself. I am a bum. I hope to see you around
Sunday, January 16, 2005
A Face for Radio part 2.......Last Fridays Show at 88 keys
Yesterday I had an audition to do a radio commercial. An agency saw me on the Comedy Soapbox and apparently felt from my bio and picture that... I was just who they didn't want to see....lets put her in our radio ad. The agency wanted me to improvise an ad for a State Lottery. I spent the next day thinking about premises and where I might go with this. I came up with what I thought was a great idea and I wrote it down and mailed it to myself. Its one thing to have a joke stolen....Its another if they make uber bucks off of my idea...for an ad campaign. I drove into the city and made it in record time. On the drive in I saw a car flipped over and on fire. The police were on the scene. I made it to the address and found parking space like JR Ewing used to get on Dallas. Right in front of the door to the building. The meter had an hour still on it. I went up to the audition the place was out of a movie. I was taken to a sound booth where we taped for 15 minutes a few of my ideas. I used different voices and even did a bit from my set that is about.....winning the Lottery. How weird and strange is that. It was like I was in my own little sitcom. Is this really my life. I drove home and there was a dump truck accident on Route 78, near Summit. I sat a hour waiting for them to remove a truck load of dirt off the Hi way. I should know about the commercial late next week. I'm really not counting on it. The agent thought I was from Long Island. After living with a man from Bklyn for 22 years I have developed a NY twang. Shit. I know this is true. All the time people ask me where on LI do you live.... I reply the Jersey part. I used to sound like Jane Pauly...Like I was from the mid west. Shit.
Last night I did an amazing show for Joe Conte at a new venue in Woodbridge NJ. Listen if you want people to come see you on a weekend...cause they bitch they cant get into NYC during the week for a bringer. Do this amazing room. I passed a rear end collision on the way there...that makes 3 road accidents in one day....I feel safer knowing the magical 3 number has been met. I realize that on all 3 accidents no one was hurt. I did the show it was wonderful the room was packed and it was just a fun fun night. Dennis Larsen was the MC and he was really good for a new comic less than a year into this he was poised funny and relaxed. Joe Fernandez had a terrific set ...and Joe Conte had a strong set. John Bander was back, better than ever and looked like he was having a great time on stage and off.. The evil twins of the Stress Factory... Who I love and still wouldn't want to go near my daughter... Chris Mc Divot and Greg Concodora where there and both had some amazing moments on stage. Chris made a joke to a heckler with tattoos that were the laugh of the night. The show is on the Soapbox put your avails in now. It is moving to Sat Nights in a few weeks and let me tell you this is a great place for new comics to really break loose.
I will be playing next weekend both Friday and Sat. in the city for the first time. I remember just a few months ago in August doing my first weekend spot in the city...and now I have 2 shows. I am so happy and grateful. I am doing what I love and I have met such amazing talented people. I was very touched by the fellow comics who many I only know from the Soapbox who wished me luck on my audition...I have never felt so apart of anything in my life.
Comments are below
Posted on 01/17/2005 at 02:48 PM by Jill Twiss
I'm sure you did brilliantly. And that's a GREAT casting agency that called you in. Keep in touch with them!
Thanks for checking out my blog
Posted on 01/18/2005 at 09:26 AM by Matt Gallagher
If you want to post images on your blog, you just have to use HTML tags. If you do a google search, you can find easy instructions for it.
Thanks for the comment to my blog, and good luck with the commercial
Last night I did an amazing show for Joe Conte at a new venue in Woodbridge NJ. Listen if you want people to come see you on a weekend...cause they bitch they cant get into NYC during the week for a bringer. Do this amazing room. I passed a rear end collision on the way there...that makes 3 road accidents in one day....I feel safer knowing the magical 3 number has been met. I realize that on all 3 accidents no one was hurt. I did the show it was wonderful the room was packed and it was just a fun fun night. Dennis Larsen was the MC and he was really good for a new comic less than a year into this he was poised funny and relaxed. Joe Fernandez had a terrific set ...and Joe Conte had a strong set. John Bander was back, better than ever and looked like he was having a great time on stage and off.. The evil twins of the Stress Factory... Who I love and still wouldn't want to go near my daughter... Chris Mc Divot and Greg Concodora where there and both had some amazing moments on stage. Chris made a joke to a heckler with tattoos that were the laugh of the night. The show is on the Soapbox put your avails in now. It is moving to Sat Nights in a few weeks and let me tell you this is a great place for new comics to really break loose.
I will be playing next weekend both Friday and Sat. in the city for the first time. I remember just a few months ago in August doing my first weekend spot in the city...and now I have 2 shows. I am so happy and grateful. I am doing what I love and I have met such amazing talented people. I was very touched by the fellow comics who many I only know from the Soapbox who wished me luck on my audition...I have never felt so apart of anything in my life.
Comments are below
Posted on 01/17/2005 at 02:48 PM by Jill Twiss
I'm sure you did brilliantly. And that's a GREAT casting agency that called you in. Keep in touch with them!
Thanks for checking out my blog
Posted on 01/18/2005 at 09:26 AM by Matt Gallagher
If you want to post images on your blog, you just have to use HTML tags. If you do a google search, you can find easy instructions for it.
Thanks for the comment to my blog, and good luck with the commercial
Friday, January 14, 2005
A face for radio
Posted on 01/14/2005 at 10:46 AM
The other night at 2am and got a email for a booking through the Comedy Soapbox.It wasnt for a comedy show. It was from an ad agency wanting me for an audition. This agency had been looking through the internet for a female comic and picked me. Crazy thing is its for a radio ad. The audition is to be an improvisation about the product. There is no ad copy to read. So as usuall Im writing and performing my all on my own. I have a backround ( circa 1000 bc.) in Advertising so cross my fingers and spit into the wind...lets see where this goes. Hey you never know.
Comments are below
Posted on 01/14/2005 at 11:17 AM by Joe Fernandes
I know you'll nail it. Good Luck!
Robin, That's Awesome!!
Posted on 01/14/2005 at 11:54 AM by Adam Sank
I know you'll book the spot!
thats great
Posted on 01/14/2005 at 12:26 PM by
best of luck to you on the gig robin!
Posted on 01/14/2005 at 06:49 PM by Greg Manuel
Luck be with you on this gig, Robin :)
The other night at 2am and got a email for a booking through the Comedy Soapbox.It wasnt for a comedy show. It was from an ad agency wanting me for an audition. This agency had been looking through the internet for a female comic and picked me. Crazy thing is its for a radio ad. The audition is to be an improvisation about the product. There is no ad copy to read. So as usuall Im writing and performing my all on my own. I have a backround ( circa 1000 bc.) in Advertising so cross my fingers and spit into the wind...lets see where this goes. Hey you never know.
Comments are below
Posted on 01/14/2005 at 11:17 AM by Joe Fernandes
I know you'll nail it. Good Luck!
Robin, That's Awesome!!
Posted on 01/14/2005 at 11:54 AM by Adam Sank
I know you'll book the spot!
thats great
Posted on 01/14/2005 at 12:26 PM by
best of luck to you on the gig robin!
Posted on 01/14/2005 at 06:49 PM by Greg Manuel
Luck be with you on this gig, Robin :)
Thursday, January 13, 2005
If at first you dont something else
I never make resolutions....there bad for my self esteem. This year I decided to make just a few. To stay more organized and to get more done. To exercise more and eat less. To continue to not smoke, I quit in September. After a 17 yrs of quitting, I picked it up for 6 months like I never stopped.. addictive little fuckers. So how am I doing with my resolutions..... I have gained yes gained 3 lbs. I am staying up till 3 am or later playing cards on my laptop.... so that in the morning I'm so exhausted after getting the kids off to school I am sleeping till noon. So it is safe to say I'm not getting much done in a day. Exercising. yeah right. Its 11 days into this year and its been tough going so far. Tonight I had a drink at the Stress Factory and thought...Hey a cigerette would go good with this. It did! The 3 others I smoked were just to remind me how wonderful the first one was..... Addictive littler fuckers. The only thing going well is comedy...and my life is a joke. During the writing of this I spilled diet hot chocolate all over my sofa. Its a leather sofa and it didn't stain. All the coco ran behind the seats.... But I cant get inside too clean it because the cushions are all attached and sewn on....I cant turn the sofa over because it is a sectional the size of an SUV. Great!!! My den will now smell like a ski lodge forever.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
There's no place like home
Happy New Year...everyone. So its 2005 we are half way through this decade and I still don't know what the official name for this decade is. The 70's,80's,90's.....and what are we calling this. The digits??? Florida was a disaster of a getaway. See previous blog. It only got worse on the flight home. It had been shitty weather the entire week and the day of our departure the sun came out in just the nic of time to say fuck you. We were almost in a car accident going to the airport avoiding a woman putting on lipstick while she was driving who swerved into our lane. The car return took us 4 rides around the airport to find... Then when we went to the gate the area to sit at was packed all the seats were taken. Well not really. A woman in her 30's was sitting with 3 chairs holding her crap on the right side of her. I had gotten sick with a respiratory infection and had to sit. I had a fever and was dizzy. My husband went to buy a newspaper. My kids stood by me I looked over and asked the woman if she could move her stuff off the chairs so my family could sit together. This bitch couldn't even look up from her LUCKY magazine. I stood there fantasizing....... of coughing all over her. Then she would tell me I was rude and then Id tell her she was a selfish bitch and I'd shove her crap on the floor. Then she'd tell me to pick it up and Id say who's gonna make me bitch and she'd take a swing at me and Id beat her to a pulp hitting her with her fake Louis Vitton hand bag. A crowd would form ( men love cat fights) and I would be sitting on her saying how's your hearing now bitch. But as we know I'm a woose. I let out a small cough hoping she'd catch my cold....and put a lozenge in my mouth. My Husband walked over to us and in one move he shoved her crap over to her and sat down. I love him. They called her rows and she surprisingly hear that. She was some first class piece of trash......air miles I'm sure.
We boarded the plane. Im old enough to remember when flying was friggin more. I sat next to my teenage daughter..and a Spanish woman who was eating smelly hard boiled eggs and a man across from me on the isle was eating a a tuna fish sandwich with onions. In front of me I had a 3 year old who stood up and looked and pointed at me the entire flight or so it seemed. I had a screaming spoiled 2 year old girl behind me and a new born diagonally across. I was in airplane prison. The 3 yr old reclines his seat. I asked his mom if it was necessary and she said its his seat "deal with it". When it was all over...and we arrived safely.....My coat was wet from some juice box that opened in one of the peoples bag in the over head compartment. It took us an hour and a half to get our luggage.
Lessons learned. I will not go on vacation with my kids and share a room. I will stay at the Bates Motel first if it means me having a private room with my husband. Next...Florida is a crap shoot only go there if you want to stay till you die....then you might have good weather. Finally bring drugs on board to go to sleep....or go greyhound.
It took me 3 days to do all the one put back thier clean clothing all went in the wash. I need to go on a vacation...from my vacation.
We boarded the plane. Im old enough to remember when flying was friggin more. I sat next to my teenage daughter..and a Spanish woman who was eating smelly hard boiled eggs and a man across from me on the isle was eating a a tuna fish sandwich with onions. In front of me I had a 3 year old who stood up and looked and pointed at me the entire flight or so it seemed. I had a screaming spoiled 2 year old girl behind me and a new born diagonally across. I was in airplane prison. The 3 yr old reclines his seat. I asked his mom if it was necessary and she said its his seat "deal with it". When it was all over...and we arrived safely.....My coat was wet from some juice box that opened in one of the peoples bag in the over head compartment. It took us an hour and a half to get our luggage.
Lessons learned. I will not go on vacation with my kids and share a room. I will stay at the Bates Motel first if it means me having a private room with my husband. Next...Florida is a crap shoot only go there if you want to stay till you die....then you might have good weather. Finally bring drugs on board to go to sleep....or go greyhound.
It took me 3 days to do all the one put back thier clean clothing all went in the wash. I need to go on a vacation...from my vacation.
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