Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Third times a charm.

I had a really productive day. I did 3 shows at 3 different places two in the city and one in NJ. What made the difference was allowing myself to try some new stuff and not getting tied up with having to KILL. At least thats what I did at 2 of the shows. The middle one had a real audince and I did my core set. What was different was that I tried it with a different energy. Just to see. I was more relaxed ...the room was relaxed and it felt right. I made a joke to a friend after my set that it was like doing an UNplugged version of my core set. I really enjoyed myself. Which is why I like to do comedy in the first place. The audience responds to your having a good time and I wasnt going to wait for their response before I was going to decide if I was goiing to have fun or not. I also liked doing many sets in one night. It was a lot of fun. My energy was good and I felt a momentum. I had to document feeling like this because often I can feel like where I want to get in comedy is more important than where I am. Tonight I liked where I was.

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