I had never been involved in anything like this before and it was all very exciting for me. The project was starring the wonderful funny man Mike Bocchetti It was written and directed by Jay Nog. I didn't know when filming this thing that several other comedy friends were in this project including the very funny Emily Epstein and Laura Nickiforchuck. I have known Emily since the first open mics that we did every week and week out at the Morrison Motel. I miss those days of seeing her all the time. This entire experience was so rewarding in ways that I never expected.
Jay had asked me to audition for this project. I was thrilled to be asked. Unfortunately the day of the audition I had car problems and didn't want to risk going into the city. Much to my surprise Jay a few weeks later gave me the part without an audition. Okay so I'm old , I'm a Mom, I'm a Jew so I was type cast ..... what ever!!! I'm in!!!
It was a really hectic day of Filming .We started early in the morning and I had to leave filming early to be at a show in Philly that night. I sometimes cant believe all that I do in a single day.... And being a mom is hectic but nothing like being a mom and a comedian too. I found while filming that my improv skills helped tremendously with acting and my comedic ability to think on my feet made it fun and easy.
We had a great time doing this project. Jay was patient and so nice to work with. Mike is maybe one of the sweetest men in comedy.
Jay told us that he had made plans to premiere the film at Comix and that we would all get to perform. He was planning on inviting some major industry to the show. I was busy gathering some family and friends to come out to see this. In my head.... It was to be one of those Entertainment Tonight moments. I saw light bulbs flashing for some strange reason and a red carpet. Not... but still fabulous! Carl had a business trip to attend and wanted me to go with him. Of course.... it coincided with 4 big shows I had to do. This one at Comix and another at Gotham next week and another at the former Laugh Factory. I also had a weekend booked in Cherry Hill featuring. How can I go to California? Yes to see my brother but he was in treatment in Las Vegas. So I had to pass. This is the biggest 11 days in my comedy lifetime!
Carl took my daughter instead with him on this business trip / vacation. Just a few days before he was set to go.... I got an email cancelling the Gotham show. The charity producing the show hadn't mentioned the show in their most recent newsletter and having an audience looked to be a problem. I more than understood having produced shows myself. So scratch that one off the list. Then another email came about the Laugh Factory/ Times Sq Art center. show... the show had to be put off due at least for a month or so for reasons I cant go into on here. We plan God laughs.
The comedy screening show at Comix was a blast. I love this club. It is one of the nicest in the city . It was the first club I passed at in NYC and I love to perform here. It is on 14th street just east of 9th. The neighborhood is one of the coolest places in the city now. Not so true 25 years ago when I went to the Old Homestead for dinner with my soon to be in laws for the first time. It is the former meat packing district. Back then It was a good neighbor hood to get shot in. Seedy to the 10th degree the Bowery in many way felt nicer and safer. Now both places I couldn't afford to pay for monthly parking no less live there.
I will never forget that meal for as long as I live. My father in law ordered prime rib well done. When they brought it to him it was rare and he couldn't eat it. The waiters were the most surly old school NYC nasty white lab coat wearing bastards you could ever meet outside of a busy deli. The waiter looked at the slab of black and blue meat and held his arm straight out it to his side then tilted his hand and through it into the trash. Not only throwing out the meat but the vegetables and potatoes . Moments later he came out with another beautiful prime rib. It was a perfect medium with a light pink center. My father in law wouldn't eat anything pink. He called the waiter over and asked if they could put it in the oven for just a few moments longer and it would be just like he would like it. Sure enough.... the waiter grabs his plate.... holds it out to the side and tosses the meat in the trash. The third time the meat came out well done and the perfect shade of cardboard gray and everyone was happy. More and more that NY is not longer around. Its a good thing except for now finding parking is a problem....
The show started on time despite an unfortunate problem with the clubs ability to play the DVD of the film. The sound system and the DVD weren't compatible. They tried and tried but unfortunately they were not able to show the project. Jay opened the show and did a strong 15. I really don't know how he was able to stay composed and pull it off with all the aggravation that had gone on right before the show. I went on next. I wanted to perform my set a few nights before but I wasn't booked anywhere so this was my first time up since the weekend.
I had been in Cherry Hill the weekend before and had a great 2 shows where I featured 2 nights in a row doing 30- 35 minute sets. Doing a feature set verses a showcase set.... I will take the feature set hands down every time. It is so much easier to do a great 30 as opposed to a killer 10. Truth be told to make it in this industry, it is key to have a killer 5 clean. I'm at this more than 5 years and I'm not happy with my clean 5. My naughty not dirty 5 is good and has gotten me where I am but if I want bigger and better things I need to work on stronger and more unique 5.
I had a very good set and opened up the room, this has been my forte in showcase shows lately. I wasn't able to hang out after the show since I had 2 shows up at Ha!. So I thanked Jay and the other comics and drove uptown.
Many of the newer comics help out at the Ha! by working the door. I really never had to do this on a frequent basis. I was moved to hosting shortly after starting at the club and only did it when they were in a jam. I got to the club an hour early and there was no one to work the door. The new guy who normally would be doing it was hosting for the first time that night. So when management asked me if I would mind doing the door for an hour.... I figured it was a nice night outside. Sure.
I had shown up to the club an hour early and here it is 10:30 and I'm working the door when I could have been downtown at Comix hanging out . I was so afraid I would be late I jumped the gun and left. A few short hours ago I feel like a star and now I'm standing outside a club pointing people down the stairs. You got to love this business the highs and lows come faster than a roller coaster.
I did the 11:30 show ,the great thing about my home club is I'm totally relaxed onstage. I did the same set I did downtown and it was as Yogi Berra would say. Dejah vu all over again. I was to host the 12:30 but it got cancelled. I took my time leaving the club chatting with a few of the other comedians. When I headed outside I walked 2 blocks down to 48th Street my car was 2 avenues away on 9th. Just then the sky opened and it started raining . I darted from building to building from over hang to over hang from scaffold to hugging the building like a bug on a fridge.... I jumped puddles in my high heal sandals which were soaked by now and finally waited under the over hang of Starbucks for it to slow down. 20 minutes later it was still going strong and showed no sign of letting up. I was tiered and I decided to just get soaked. I ran down the block fuddled for my keys and jumped in the car.
It was one thirty. I headed to the Lincoln tunnel where I waited to get into the tube for almost a half hour. Then once in the tunnel traffic stopped completely. I sat not moving at all for about 20 minutes. Without traffic at this time of night takes me 45 -50 minutes to get home. Once out of the tunnel they are redirecting traffic off the helix and through the Hoboken exit. I decide to turn on my GPS and go home via Hoboken and get on the Turnpike down by the Holland tunnel. Big mistake. My GPS lost its signal due to the heavy rain and I spent another 20 minutes lost in Hoboken. This is quite a feet considering the entire town is less then 5 square miles. Eventually I found my way to the turnpike and at this point the rain was coming down in sheets. If you know me you know that I have a huge fear of driving in the rain, since a mishap I had in my car last October where I lost control of the car in the rain and jumped the median did a 180 and wound up from the express lane into the local facing oncoming traffic. I wanted to pull over but I wanted to get home and go to bed too. Cars were parking under the overpasses for going driving till it let up. I chose instead to drive the remaining 35 miles in the slow lane driving home at 30 miles an hour. When I got home it was after 4 am. I had left my home that afternoon at 6pm.
What did I learn from all of this? Parking sucks everywhere in NYC. (but I knew that) I still have stage fright on shows that I perceive as special. I am further than I dreamed I would be at this time in comedy and at the same time.... I'm still not to big to work a door. ...and be a team player. I learned to listen to the weather reports and carry an umbrella. To always pee before leaving the club.... you don't know how long it will take to get home. GPS is great but not in the rain sometimes. And lastly.... that this is all so real and all so unbelievable to me. Everyday its like walking on the moon. Who knew this would be my life. Was the night a bad one. Far from it. It was a great night. Some how if I have a great show..... all the other things just don't seem to bother me. They just come with the meal.
This week I will be at Ha! on Tuesday June 10th and Sat. June 14th. I am performing for the Gay Boys at the Ice Palace on Thursday night... the rest of my calendar can be found on my website.................... www.robinfoxcomedy.com