The last time I blogged it was before the semi finals of the Laugh off contest. Sorry to have left you all hanging but so much came down right after it. I had my very first outbreak with poison Ivy,oak or sumac....who the hell knows which one it was but it made me so sick I wanted to die. First the mystery of how I could even get it. I don't do outdoors. I am a house plant. I go to my car and to the city or the store .....and home. When I am out doors it is on pavement or sand. I don't stop to smell the roses. I woke 3 weeks ago with 2 small what looked like spider bites on each thigh 3 weeks ago. Each day I had more bites. I stripped my bed...flipped it over ...a king size bed no less like I was a wrestler. I was fearing spiders were living in my bed. After 3 days both legs were covred from knee to the top of my legs. Time to see the doctor. I could some what cope with the itching but ....I developed deep tissue PAIN. I went on web MD and convinced myself I had Shingles.(Im not David Letterman whos gonna take care of me) I was going to quit my doctor because I think she is incompetent just a few months before but having no other choice I made an appointment..... they told me they moved. The new office was gorgeous!!! The nicest office I have ever been in. Suddenly I like this doctor she might be good. The doctor took one look and told me that I didn't have Shingles I had poison Ivy, oak or sumac.....(what the fuck is a sumac). She gave me Zertec and told me to put benedryl lotion on it. I did the standard oh oh it hurts in hopes of some narcotics...but she said Motrin. I got worse and worse it spread to my arms and belly. I continued life as usually running into the city 5 nights and wanting to scratch my brains out. The pain was unreal. I couldnt sleep hardly at all. I went to bed by having 2 shots of Stolli. It is now week 3 of this and I had to go back to the doctor last week for cortisone shots in my ass. Good times. I am now 85%better and just have dry skin everywhere from all the topical shit I put on this thing. I still don't know how I got it. The dog is suspect number one.
As for the contest.... I did very well. I didn't win. Payton won. The club is just so wonderfull.. THe place was packed and the liked me. I made it all the way to the bitter end at Caroline's. I did very well with my 8 minutes and made the most of it. I was really happy with my set. I made it into the final 3 of my group for the 90 second laugh off and made a bad call. I did a newer joke that had been killing......and it killed me. I flubbed 2 lines and didn't tell it or sell it right. In the end I was happy I had a good set and had come much further than I thought I could. I was in the finals last year and I feel that in the past year I have gotten funnier and have just found my comedic voice. The room manager congratulated me and told the bar tender to get me anything Id like.....I asked him for a spot on Saturday night. He said that was a tall order ...I said I will take a Tuesday. Unfortunately he only runs the room and handles seating and staffing. It was so wonderfull and awfull all at the same time. I loved every second of it. It is the reason I can keep at this....nights like that are just the best. I have a lot more to share but I will save it for another entry.
Comments are below
Posted on 07/25/2005 at 10:48 PM by Joe Fernandes
You go girl :)